crop tops.

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Guys don't kill me, but I just had too use some kind of form of angst for this one.. anyway,
Requested by, @Not_Ever_Wanted

I can't remember and the comment disappeared 😭 I'm sorry!
If anyone knows, tag them !

third person pov.

Miles loved a lot of things about Hobie.

He'd been known for his unusually punk style, too his amazing large hair.

The variety of pins Hobie had. To rock bands Miles had never heard of before, and the ones he had, which was very few of them.

Every detail of Hobie was so unique, probably following along with his thing of "not believing in consistency"

There was something Miles did notice, something small that him, his boyfriend, would probably only notice.

Under Hobie vest, he always had on tight, pretty, crop tops that outlined his waist.

Hoboes waist was something Miles adored dearly, as it was slim, small, extremely holdable, and just all in one perfect. So when he wore them, it made his look more outstanding than he already did.

Though, this notice was different. Something Miles had picked up. He only wore them, around him, which was kind of strange too Miles.

He'd never thought too ask, maybe it was just a huge coincidence, and he was overthinking it.

Hobie and Miles were getting ready too go out too shop, as Miles needed some new markers, canvases, and wanted to try out some new designs for his Spider Suit. The bleeding from under is armpits thing was getting old for him.

Hobie came through the portal, with his outstanding look as always. He was wearing his usual attire. Low rise pants, a shirt that he might've wrapped in the back to accentuate is waist.

"How do I look luv?

Miles eyed him up and down. His answer was always obvious, with a simple, "Amazing as always amor."
But Miles wanted to try something this time..

" know what your outfit is missing m'love?"

Hobie wasn't used too this answer, so his eyes widened, not really knowing what he could add.

"That Radiohead crop top I got you."


"The band you said you didn't have in your dimension, so I let you hear some their music and you said you liked it."

Hobie obviously remembered it, but really didn't want to wear it since they were going out, and it was a crop top..

"O-oh yeah.. right."

He didn't want to disappoint Miles, so he teleported back too change his shirt.

Miles felt quite guilty, as he saw his resistance too change, but he was going to ask anyway, so if it was a reason he could fix, it would be worth it.

Hobie came back, wearing his crop top. Miles couldn't lie, it made him look way more attractive then before.

But he also couldn't lie, Hobie looked really uncomfortable. He didn't know why, because he wore crop tops around him all the time. But he didn't think anything of it, and started heading out with Hobie.

When they were out, Miles saw how Hobie kept pulling on his crop top, or covering his stomach for some reason.

The guilt really sunk in when he realized he might've forced his boyfriend to wear something he didn't want to wear, so he pulled him too the side.

"Hobes? Are you okay? Your fidgety.."

Hobie kept his stomach covered with his arms, not really knowing how to answer the question. He was scratching his arm with his nail, which seemed too bleed a little.

"And your scratching, which I've told you too stop doing...what's up?"

Miles took his hands, looking at him.

"I don' wearing cropped things in public.."

"What makes you feel like that Hobes?"

"Th' fucking scars on my stomach.."

Miles face scrunched, confused until he looked at finally saw what Hobie was talking about.

A bunch of small scars scattered around his stomach. That Miles, out of all honestly, had never noticed.

Miles smiled, grabbing a hold of Hobie face.

"You know your pretty, right Hobes? You know those people out there's opinion don't matter?"

Hobie turned away,  looking guilty as he honestly didnt like how people looked at him when they passed.

"I don' like being starred at by those creepo's.."

"That's fine. I just don't want the reason too be you think their ugly."

Miles gave him a soft smile.

"You're so pretty Hobes. Every part of you okay? Every scar, bruise, freckle,  everything."

He leaned in, kissing him on the lips. It was quick, but you could tell it was passionate.

"Thank you doll.."

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