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TW: strong language.

Miles and Hobie were in an open relationship.

Everyone in the spider society either knew, or figured it out. It wasn't like they hid the fact that they were dating, so it's not hard too tell when they sneak kisses before each missions. Or during meeting they hug or hold eachother.

One thing in particular though, it that Miles hid this fact from his parents.

They knew Miles wasn't exactly straight. Which Rio  figured out, and was perfectly okay with it. But when Miles came out too Jeff, he wasn't exactly okay with it but accepted.

Never had Miles actually introduced Hobie too his parents. And there were reasons for that.

Hobie didn't really go to school, or his school in general. He was also from a whole different universe, So he didn't know how his parents would react to the whole newspaper skin .

The way Hobie dresses is fine with Miles, But his parents might just freak when they see a man wearing a crop top and low waisted pants, eyeliner and finger nails painted.

Lip peircings, eyebrow peircings,  crazy Afro hair, and just a very Punked theme too his appearance.

Miles dad was the chief of  police max he didn't want that too invade his reputation by dating Hobie. Or specifically, a man.

third person POV.

Miles and Hobie were supposed to hang out today, so Miles was busy cleaning his  room for the week, followed by the occasion.

Hobie ended up coming through his window, right when he was finishing up.

"Miles? Hey there Luv." Hobie walked up to Miles, giving him a quick pec on the lips, before hugging him tightly.

Miles had assumed that his parents weren't at home, since they said they were going out on a date, so Mileses door wasn't unlocked, and they were loud.

Him and Hobie had cuddled up on Mileses bed, Miles was scooted into. Hobies lap, and he was leaned into his chest. Playing with his rings.

It was nice. Until Miles and Hobie heard the door creak open. They had no time too react, there senses were too late to realize someone had enetered the room. To late for Hobie to hide, or for Miles too hide him.

"Miles cariño, can u take  the la lavandería downstairs?-" Rio looked up at the couple, mouth open, too stunned too speak. She just simply closed the door with a small slam.

"oh shi- mama! I can explain!" Miles quickly got off Hobie, sprinting too the door.

He opened it too see him mother telling his father what she what saw, and he looked pissed. Miles just froze in place. Still holding the door handle.

"Mama, Dad I can explain-" Miles was cut off by his dad,  "No miles let ME EXPLAIN. Not only did you bring a MAN into my house with my knowledge, no YOU  brought him here WHILE I WAS STILL HERE!? All cuddled up and naked with him too huh?!"

"Papa, it's not like that!-" Miles could barely get any words out without his dad stepping over his voice, screaming remarks at him. It wasn't soon until his mom joined in. Slipping small things in, not much but it still hurt.

Hobie was on the other side of the door, listening too it go down. He held his breath as he listened too  his boyfriend's parents scream at him. Hobie knew Miles hated being yelled at,  so he tried to compose himself  when he heard Miles voice breaking.

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