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Tails stood at the altar, wearing a black tuxedo, with a bow tie at the neck. His groomsman, Silver, was very tearful with happiness.

Silver: Man, the first time I heard you and Cream were together, I had no idea you could get this far and actually tie the knot with her!

Tails: Yet I did.

A flashback stirred in him when he was at Cream's house.
Tails: I've been holding this off for quite a while, Cream. I was just thinking if you'd want to... to be my wife? Heh... Cream... will you marry me?
Cream: Yes!!! A million times yes!
Cream smothered Tails in hugs and kisses.

Cream was in her dressing room, wearing a flowing white dress with a veil, and blue and white flowers tucked behind her ears. Her bridesmaid, her mother, Vanilla was there with her.
Vanilla: You made a great choice with Tails as your husband.
Cream: You should really thank him, as he proposed to me!

Then, the famous 'Here Comes the Bride' played and Cream stepped into the aisle and walked down to Tails.

Tails: Wow... Cream... she looks stunning!

Once Cream had got to the altar, the priest, who was in fact Sonic, began to speak. He wasn't accustomed to being the priest at a wedding at all, even when he married Amy a month ago.

Sonic: Tails, do you have anything to say?
Tails: Cream, when I first met you on that beach, I fell for you. I wanted you to be mine forever, hence why I frequently comforted you and protected you. And during that thunderstorm, my dream came true. And we fell in love. And it will be that way for the rest of my life.
Sonic: Cream, do you have anything to say?
Cream: Tails, I was already a big fan of you before I met you. When I did, you turned out better than I could have hoped. And during the thunderstorm, your caring heart amazed me. And when you told me of your feelings for me, I knew that I would accept them. I love you, Tails and I will always be there for you.
Sonic: With that, let's start the ceremony. Tails, do you take Cream to be your wife in happiness and sadness, in wellbeing and sickness until death do you part?
Tails: I do.
Sonic: And Cream, do you take Tails to be your wedded husband in happiness and sadness, in wellbeing and sickness until death do you part?
Cream: I do.
Sonic: May we have the rings please?
Amy came over, with a tissue in hand, presenting two rings, one for Tails and one for Cream. They promptly put them on their fingers.
Sonic: I now pronounce you husband and wife. Tails, you may now kiss your bride.

Tails and Cream turned to each other and the whole crowd erupted into applause as Tails lifted her veil, giving her a long, loving kiss.

This one, to Tails, was new. It had new meaning. This was his first kiss as the husband of Cream. Cream, however, was overjoyed that this was finally happening to her.

Vanilla was crying at Cream in happiness, as was Sonic at Tails.

Eventually, Cream and Tails lifted their sweet lips from each other and headed to the reception- eager to get food.

The speeches lasted a while, but it finally came to the time to cut the cake. Cream shoved some of the icing onto Tails' nose playfully, and he returned it, making the whole crowd laugh. And as the cake was cut and everyone got a slice, the whole group, even Tails and Cream, knew that a new chapter was opening up on their lives. Not just for them, but for everyone else too...

Love was in bloom.

One shot done! I have plans for two more, and then a special surprise. Please note that the next two may take some time to upload, especially one of them.

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