The Year of Love

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This is a request for @revellus14!

Team Sonic were happily waiting in Central City, waiting for the New Year's Eve fireworks display to go off. Another year of saving the world was over, and another one was set to begin tomorrow. All of Team Sonic was there, ready and waiting.

Except for one. Tails picked himself up from the ground, covered in mud. He couldn't show up to Central City like this, so he went to Cream's house to take a shower. After showing up, Cream gasped "Tails, what happened?"
"I don't really want to talk about it right now..." Tails replied.
Cream was surprised by this, but didn't question him further.
"Either way, you're going to need a shower," Cream said.
"That's what I'm here for," Tails chuckled.

Cream ran it for Tails, and while waiting for him to finish, she wondered why he wouldn't tell him how he got covered in mud. There were many reasons she could think of, such as an accidental trip, but then a dreadful realisation came into her mind. Tails had been bullied. Again. He always came to Cream whenever that had happened, and with that thought obviously being the reason, she was not happy about that. Pushing Tails into mud?! Unacceptable! If those bullies ever showed up at her door, she'd teach them a lesson.

Tails also had his reasons for coming to Cream when he was bullied. While Cream was comforting in her own way, he also had developed a crush on her. Her hazel eyes never lost a look of surprise and innocence, and she had an undeniably sweet nature to everyone she knew. Tails had a plan to confess to her today, and nothing would stop him.

Once Tails had finished, he went upstairs to find Cream and sat down next to her. She was watching the New Year's Eve holiday special on her big screen TV.
Cream wrapped an arm around him and said "I'm sorry for what they did to you."
"Oh," Tails replied. "So you figured that out. That's not the end. They tailed me here. It won't be long before they block our way out, and in turn, our way to Central City."
"They'll go soon enough," Cream said, wrapping a second arm around the fox boy's back. "I'll confront them."
"Are you crazy?!" Tails exclaimed. "You're too fragile for them! Once you find out what they did, you'll never hear the end of it!"
"Tails, I have a plan in mind. And you're in no shape to stand up to them. Nobody hurts one of my closest friends and gets away with it," Cream replied comfortingly, but firmly.

The way Cream said 'closest friends' did give Tails pause. Did she like him back? Would she confess before he did?   Tails wrapped an arm around Cream's waist. "Thank you, Cream," he whispered. "I can always tell you how I feel when I'm down."
"You're welcome," Cream blushed and giggled a little. In that moment, their eyes met with each other, and Cream started feeling strange. Tails also felt the same.

Suddenly, Cream felt Tails' arm that was wrapped around her move and she soon found herself slowly leaning towards him. Tails was doing the same, and felt himself blush. Was Cream going to kiss him? Just in time, when their lips should have met, their was a hard knock at Cream's door. Both of them jumped back.

"They're here!" Tails shouted.
"Don't worry, Tails," Cream reassured him. "I'll take care of them." She then went downstairs.
"Be safe," Tails whispered as she left, then ran a hand through his fur. "This just turned awkward..."

Cream opened her door and stepped outside to find three male chipmunks outside her door. The left hand one moved forward.
"Where is it!" she demanded.
"Where's what?" Cream asked.
"Don't play games!" the bully said furiously. "We just want to have a polite conversation with the fox you took in about how he shouldn't be in the world."
Cream balled her fists. "I won't. Besides, you wouldn't know polite conversation if it punched you in the stomach," Cream said.
"How dare you!" the right hand one shouted, sending a ferocious, but clumsy right hook towards Cream, which she easily dodged.
"You disgust me," Cream growled. "What did you do to Tails? What did you do to him?"
"Him? HIM!" the largest bully said. "Ha! It's a mutant, rabbit! That fox should be referred to as 'it' for all I care! But since you're interested, you deserve some answers. We ambushed that fox and decided to rip his tails off. But since that would kill him and we wouldn't be able to toy with him anymore, we dragged him off and repeatedly pushed him into a pool of mud we'd found earlier. Only when he cries did we stop, satisfied with hammering home the message that he doesn't deserve to exist."

Cream had never wanted to hit someone so much in her entire life, but she remained calm.
"Is that all he is to you?" she asked. "Just a two-tailed fox who you want to use? Listen, you three. If you ever bully Tails that way again, I'll..."
"You'll what?" the left hand one asked. "Don't you threaten me."
Cream thought better of her reply, and the bullies knew that. The right hand one said "Good. Now apologise and we'll forget the whole thing."
Cream shook her head. "You'll never apologise to Tails, so I'm not apologising to you."
"Fine," the leader said, before punching Cream, who ducked and then retaliated with a left hook.
Crack. Her knuckles made contact.

A few minutes later, the bullies were sent fleeing, and Cream went back in and upstairs.
"They're gone, Tails. And won't ever bully you again, or I'll teach them a lesson," Cream said. Tails threw his arms around the rabbit girl, saying "Thank you so much!" As his joy eased a little, he decided to confess while his arms were still wrapped around Cream.

"Cream," Tails began. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you."
"What is it?" Cream asked. "Well, we've known each other for a long time, we've been through a lot, and over that time, I...kind of..." Tails couldn't say it.
"Tails, what is it? I probably feel the same way you do." Cream said.
"I guess...I kind of...had a crush on you." Tails said, making Cream blush.
"Tails, are you for real? You...have a crush...on me?" Cream asked.
"I guess you now know. What I'm trying to say is that I..." Tails tried to say, but he couldn't get it out. Cream somehow knew, though.
"Tails, I know what you want to say. I love you."
"I guess I don't have to say it, but I will anyway. I love you, too." Tails said.
Tails and Cream's lips brushed together, then Cream pressed her lips to his, giving him a tender and innocent kiss.

Tails' ice-blue eyes bulged when Cream kissed him. He felt his heart flip and melt in his chest with joy, his body going limp as he gave Cream a soft kiss in return, snaking his arms around her waist. Cream then slowly wrapped her arms around Tails' neck, gently caressing. They continued making out for what seemed like ages, like lovers were meant to be. Eventually they slowly parted, blushing a deep crimson.
"Happy New Year, Tails," Cream said.
"Happy New Year, Cream," Tails replied. "Oh, that's right. Team Sonic's waiting for the fireworks to start in Central City."
"Can I drive with you?" Cream asked hopefully.
"Sure," Tails said.

A short drive later, they arrived, and Team Sonic greeted them.
"Sonic, I have to tell you something. It's a pretty big step for me," Tails said. "I confessed to Cream."
"Great job, pal. I knew you could do it!" Sonic congratulated him.
Then, the whole team heard the first firework go off. The whole crowd said in unison "3,2,1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!"
Tails and Cream just watched them, holding hands, then kissed each other by the light of the fireworks. It was a year the couple would never forget. The year they fell in love.

The new year one-shot is done! Hope you like it! See you next time, when Just Tell Her comes out!

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