Just Tell Her

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*This takes place after the events of Sonic Advance 2!*

Eggman had been defeated yet again by Team Sonic, who now had a new ally thanks to that mission. Her name was Cream the Rabbit, a beige-coloured rabbit girl who was one of the politest people Sonic and his friends had ever met. Tails had become fast friends with her, despite only knowing her since today. His first look at her was agonising, as he'd been caught off guard and tied to Eggman's machine. Once he was free though, he managed to get a good look at her. Initially, Cream was a little unsure about Tails, but when Sonic greeted his sidekick, she warmed up to him.

As they'd traveled, however, Tails had felt something while with her. She wasn't as fast as Sonic, but she was so swift and lithe. Her hazel eyes just shone no matter what. It grew as he was with her, to the point where Tails hugged her when Eggman snatched her mother, Vanilla. Left feeling deeply sad, she accepted it, which Tails didn't intend... not that he didn't want to hug her again.

When Cream asked her mother if she could get to know her new friends more, Tails was overjoyed about that, as he enjoyed Cream's company, and although he found it hard to admit, he felt strongly attracted to her.

Right now, Amy was teaching Cream to cook some of the dishes she learned, Knuckles was back guarding the Master Emerald, and Sonic was archiving every Eggman machine he'd fought during the mission. Tails was on YouTube, however, in his room, recording a video of him playing Case Animatronics. He had a YouTube channel called TailsPr0Gamer, which he enjoyed doing, with most of his content being gaming.

However, since Tails hadn't come out to talk to her, Cream felt that he might have been sad. So she asked Amy where Tails was, and went to see him. She heard the sentence "How much does this cost?" This was in fact from the game, so she called out a guess of "14 dollars!" This scared Tails, and he almost fell off the bed. She sat next to him and joined in on the game. She got scared a lot, but having Tails next to her was strangely comforting.

Once Tails had finished the recording and uploaded it to YouTube, they came back out and Tails lay on the couch. Cream went to join him, but tripped and landed on his two tails. For a dreadful moment, Cream thought Tails would be a little annoyed, but he wasn't. He just smiled at her, and moved his namesakes to under her head. It was so soft.
Cream snuggled into it.
"They're so fluffy, Tails," she said. "You're a great pillow."
"Th... thanks. You're... you're welcome," Tails stuttered, making Cream giggle. He blushed a little as Cream got up, and sat with him.
"I have to tell her how I feel," Tails thought. He would, but he was unsure of how Team Sonic would react.

The one he was really worried about was Vanilla. Since she was Cream's mother, if she didn't approve of Tails' crush on Cream, she could halt his efforts in their tracks, and he had to ask her before he admitted his love for Cream.

So, when Vanilla was free and away from Cream, Tails asked her the inevitable question.
"Vanilla, can I tell you something?"
"Sure, Tails!" Vanilla replied.
"I... I have a crush on your daughter," Tails said, blushing. "Can I have her?"
"Of course! Treat her well!" Vanilla answered. As Tails left, he punched the air, then realised he had no idea of how he could express his feelings to Cream.
"I guess Sonic might have some ideas," he thought. He had considered asking Amy, but sometimes, when she told Sonic she loved him almost every day, she overdid it.

"Hey, pal!" Sonic said.
"Hi Sonic," Tails replied. "I need some advice."
"Ask me anything, buddy," Sonic reassured him.
"I... I have a crush on Cream, but I don't quite know how to tell her," Tails said.
"You have a crush on Cream?" Sonic asked. " I was wondering about that, as I saw you hug her as I went after Eggman."
"Just tell her, Tails," he said. "You're already good friends, so I'm sure she'll accept your love!"
"Alright," Tails said, going to Cream's room.

As he entered, Cream was a little surprised, but said "Hi, Tails! What brings you here?"
"Uhhh, Cream... there's something I want to tell you," Tails began.
"Yes?" Cream said, nodding for him to continue.
Tails blushed a dark crimson as he began to speak.
"Since we met, I felt a kind of connection between us and I... I feel happy when I'm with you. I just think, you're really funny and cute and I..." Tails almost hesitated from nervousness. Then he remembered how much guts Cream had to hug him when she lay down on his tails.
"I love you," he finally said, sitting down next to Cream. She had a look of surprise on her face, and Tails started to worry. "Why did I said that?! Who would want to be with a guy like me?" he thought. "Why had I even bothered? Ugh..." Suddenly, his fears were nullified when he felt a gentle peck to his cheek.

Cream was smiling at him. Tails was the one to take the next step, leaning forward towards Cream, his eyes sliding to a close as his lips met with hers. The kiss was brief and awkward and Tails quickly pulled away,opening his mouth to utter an apology. He didn't get a chance though, as Cream was the one to close the gap this time, both her and Tails closing their eyes as their lips met in a sweet and passionate kiss. Cream wrapped her arms around Tails' shoulders, allowing him to hold her body close to him, until the physical space between them evaporated entirely and she felt his arms around her waist.

As his lips made contact with Cream's, Tails felt a slight worry. He had never kissed a girl before and he didn't know how. He tried his best, and when Cream deepened the kiss, placing her hands on his shoulders, he knew she was enjoying it.

Cream had never felt this way in her life: so electrified by Tails' warm furry body against her own, with the certainty that she was only his and he was only hers forever.

Tails couldn't feel any better. Every move of his body or Cream's, and every touch of her soft body produced in him an unmatched state of joy and love.

Soon their lungs desired air and they broke apart, taking in what had just happened. Eventually, they looked up at each other as Tails' blue eyes met with Cream's hazel ones. Hearts were racing and cheeks were flushed.
"I love you, Tails..." Cream said. "I always have."
"I love you too, Cream," Tails reciprocated. "I always will."

From outside, Sonic and Vanilla had been watching them. Sonic was smiling.
"Great job, buddy," he whispered, proud of Tails for finally having his special moment with Cream. Vanilla, on the other hand, had been crying as she watched Cream kiss Tails just a few minutes ago. But she was also overjoyed at her daughter finding love.
"I'm glad I let Tails love my little girl," she said.

Tails and Cream lay down next to each other, and wrapped each other in a warm hug, Tails wrapping his namesakes around the front of Cream's body, wrapping her in a soft, furry blanket. They looked at each other with deep love and care. There were many things still to say and do, but they had all the time in the world to do it.

One-shot done! Hope you like it! Next time, 'A Special Delivery' arrives, with the birth of Taffy Prower!

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