The Joys of Parenting

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A flashback ran through Tails' mind. He was on top of his bed with Cream next to him. They'd tied the knot a year ago, and Cream was about to have a very important discussion with him.
"Tails... I've been thinking..." she began. " We've been married for about a year now... and I was just wondering... would you be ok with, like, having kids?"
"What?" Tails said.
"It's fine if you don't," Cream replied.
"No, no. I'm just surprised, that's all," Tails replied. " If you want to have kids, we'll have kids. If you change your mind, we won't. I don't want you to do anything you don't want to. But if you want to, I believe I'm quite ready to be called 'Daddy Tails'!" he chuckled.
"Ok then!" Cream answered. "We won't do it later today though, but I'll tell you when I'm prepared." Tails and Cream kissed each other, knowing that a new stage in their romance would open up soon.

The flashback ended, and Tails returned to the real world, and to a brown boy fox and yellow rabbit girl in his bed with him and Cream.

"And that was when we kissed!" Tails said.
"Soo romantic!" The brown fox, Cocoa said.
"Ugh! Again?!" the yellow rabbit, Lemon moaned.
"Well, Cocoa wanted it, so..." Tails began.
"Cocoa, why do love these sort of stories!" Lemon shouted.
"Why do YOU love Cream's stories of her adventures with Sonic and his friends?"
The two kids started to fight, and that was when Cream put her foot down.
"Lemon, stop it! You too Cocoa!" Cream shouted.
"The adventures aren't real half the time!" Cocoa shouted, slapping Lemon.
"Enough Cocoa!" Tails said at last. "All of those adventures are real. I should know."
"How?" Lemon asked, curious.
"Because I was a part of them," Tails said.
"I've seen him too," Cream added.
"Tell us one, daddy!" Cocoa pleaded.
"No!" Tails said. It's already late and you should be asleep. But I'll tell you one tomorrow morning. How does that sound?"
"Cool!" Cocoa and Lemon said in perfect unison.
"Alright then! To your rooms then!" Cream said, as the two kids snuggled into bed.
"Good night, Lemon! I love you! Cream said.
"Me too mummy!"
"See you in the morning, Cocoa. Night!" Tails told Cocoa.
"Good night daddy!" he replied.

Once the kids were asleep, Tails and Cream returned to their own bedroom and got into bed.
"Thanks for having kids," Cream told Tails.
"It was nothing," Tails said. "I would do anything for you, Cream. Absolutely anything."
And as the couple settled down for a sleep, the fox wrapped his two tails around Cream and fell soundly asleep along with her.

One-shot done! This is a request for SMPlover14! Hope you like it! See ya next time!

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