Taiream Generations

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A request for @Lucas1masterTAIREAM

In the past
In Green Hill, two anthropomorphic animals were investigating a noise they'd heard earlier. One of them was a young yellow fox boy with two tails, the other, a female beige-coloured rabbit. These two, named Tails and Cream, were best friends of Sonic, however, they weren't the only versions. They were Classic versions, from the past.

Their search ended in a clearing in Green Hill. They dismissed the noise as no threat. How wrong they were! A massive 'time hole' appeared in the sky, and a huge entity emerged from it. This was the Time Eater, an alien with power over time and space.

In the present day
"He'll be here any second!" Sonic said.

Sonic and his friends had been busy designing a surprise party for Tails' birthday, hence why he wasn't there. However, he was going to arrive at any point- so much so, that Cream had only just hidden behind a tree by the time he arrived.
"Uhhh... guys?" Tails asked. "Where are you? You said there was a surprise?"
At that moment, all of the group jumped out from behind the tree with a set of party gifts, food and drinks and much more.
"SUPRISE!" they all shouted.
"Awww, you guys!" Tails replied.

The birthday had been well underway when a terrible thing happened. 'Time holes' appeared in the sky, dragging Sonic, Tails and all of the others into different ones. As the vision of the cause faded, they were thrown into different points in the past. Tails and Cream blacked out as they were sucked into the same hole.

They came to their senses a few hours later, appearing in a huge white space.
"Ugh... what happened?" Cream groaned as she sat up.
"Is this heaven?" Tails said... "Wait a sec. Is that Sonic?" They looked at the white form of the blue hedgehog, devoid of movement. It was as if he'd been petrified.

Looking to the right, they saw some totems at the side of a path in the exact same white colour that Sonic was. They looked at each other, shrugged and went into it, Tails saying "It might be the only way to save Sonic!"

They certainly weren't expecting what they got. It was a place they definitely didn't recognise, but was filled with robot Badniks.
"Badniks? This must be Eggman's work!" Cream thought. They got through fairly easily, but came back out and saw Sonic's colour returning to him.
"Tails? Cream?" he said.
"Sonic! What happened?" Tails asked.
"I don't know. It was like I was dead! Floating around in a black limbo," Sonic replied.
"While I don't remember what's around us, is it just me or does this place look familiar?" Sonic asked. Tails and Cream shrugged.
"Ok...Onward we go!" Sonic said, heading to what Tails definitely recognised as Chemical Plant.
"I'll go in, Cream," Tails said. "I'll be back soon."
As soon as he did, however, he came past again, waving at Cream.

"Wow, you weren't kidding when you said soon!" Cream said. She then noticed that the Tails she'd just saw looked somewhat younger, and he just realised that Cream looked older.
"Cream?! What happened to you?" the mysterious Tails said.
"What do you mean? You look way younger than the Tails I know!" Cream said.
"What?" the Tails replied. Then, a version of Cream herself came running up, making Modern Cream and Classic Cream, which Modern Cream quickly assigned to her, very confused.

When Tails came out, he saw the Classic version of himself and asked "What are you? Some kind of Eggman robot?"
"I'm no Badnik! I'm Tails!" Classic Tails said.
"Nevertheless, I'm gonna need to scan you and find out for myself," Modern Tails replied.
"Tails, wait! He's on our side!" Cream shouted. "If he was an Eggman robot, I wouldn't be here. And before you ask, this Classic Cream is also a friend.
"Ok. Does this pink water look familiar to anyone?" Tails asked
Both Creams didn't recognise it, the classic one shrugging and the modern one saying "Nope. But I can't deny you've told me about it,"
"This is very odd," Classic Tails said. "It's like someone brought back old places we've already traveled through."
"SONIC!" a squealing voice said, and Sonic felt a pair of arms wrap around his torso, and he instantly recognised them as Amy's.

The reunion didn't last long, though, as the Time Eater appeared in the sky.
"That's the thing that brought us here!" Modern Tails shouted.
"That's the thing that made the noise me and Tails heard!" Classic Cream added.
"Ok, so this is what we're after," Sonic said. "At least I think we are. Whatever we need to do, it should be able to send us back to the present."

So they pursued it, running through Sky Sanctuary, taking on a Death Egg Robot to get to City Escape and take on Perfect Chaos, and finally all the way to Planet Wisp and a fight with their most recent Eggman robot, the Egg Dragoon. They rescued their friends along the way, which happened to include Espio, Knuckles, Blaze and numerous others who had attended Tails' birthday, and collected the seven Chaos Emeralds.

After reaching a gate made out of several gears instead of just one, the Modern and Classic Tails and Cream knew it was something important, and they breathed a collective sigh of relief when they realised they needed all seven Chaos Emeralds to open it.

Once through the gate, the Time Eater awaited them. "Ok, whatever you are," Tails said. "If you want to avoid an embarrassing beatdown, you better give up now!"
Then, a certain rotund evil scientist appeared- with a younger version of himself!
"You're not in a position to demand anything, you annoying little fox!" the modern one said.
"Doctor Eggman?! But how!" Modern Tails and Cream exclaimed.
"He had a little help," the younger one said.
"Doctor Robotnik?!" Classic Tails and Cream exclaimed.
"This is our most foolproof plan yet, Doctor Eggman of the past!" Modern Eggman laughed.
"Only possible with you, Dr. Eggman of the future!" Classic Eggman laughed, revealing their involvement with the Time Eater to the four heroes.
"The more your monster tears through time, the more damage you do to the world!" Cream told them.
"The world?" the modern Eggman said. "I'm going to own the world when I'm finished with you! Oh ho ho ho ho!"

The four heroes charged towards the two Eggmans, who used the Time Eater to overpower them with a devastating claw strike and a crushing by the other claw. However, Sonic and the others that the Tails and Creams rescued told them not to give up, and they used the Chaos Emeralds to power up, becoming Super Classic and Modern Tails and Super Classic and Modern Cream.
"Time to scramble some Eggman, SUPER TAILS AND CREAM STYLE!" Modern Cream exclaimed.

Rocketing off to face the Time Eater, two Eggmans proved very difficult to defeat, their combined geniuses of 300 IQ allowing them to launch several attacks against both the Classic and Modern versions of Tails and Cream, and their Super forms could only last for as long as they had rings. With the battle being in the air, losing their Super forms would mean a very, very long fall, which would undoubtedly prove fatal.

However, Modern Tails and Cream soon discovered that the Chaos Emeralds were the Time Eater's weakness, and used that against it to win, finally destroying its core, along with Eggman's plan to team up with his past self to take over the world.

With the timeline returned to normal, everyone-even the Classic versions of Tails and Cream returned to the present, and continued celebrating Tails' birthday.

When it was over, the Classic versions bid farewell to their Modern counterparts, and returned to their own time. After they left, Tails and Cream couldn't help but think how they did their best in everything during the birthday. They got involved with all of it- from Classic Tails smashing the piñata to pieces with a single tail swipe to Classic Cream taking the whole group on a brilliant treasure hunt- and luckily, this one had no Badniks.

One-shot done! Next up, a duo of dentistry stories for both Tails and Cream and another double date, this time in Green Hill!

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