To The Rescue

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This is a request for rn4151n! This is a features, for the first time, more than one ship!

"Ha ha ha!" Eggman laughed. "This went better than I ever could have hoped for! I wanted Sonic,but got lucky with Knuckles and Tails! Oh, we're going to have so much fun!"

As for the other members of Team Sonic who remained, they had struggled to move forward against Eggman. Amy Rose, who wouldn't pass up a chance to tell Sonic she loved him (although sometimes she overdid it) was absolutely fuming about what Eggman had done.
"Kidnapping MY Sonic will be Eggman's last mistake!" she screamed.
Cream was trying to calm her down, despite being very ticked off at Eggman for kidnapping her boyfriend Tails, and Tikal was the same, only with Knuckles.
"I know we're all shocked, but we have to try and rescue our friends, or we'll never see them again," Tikal said calmly, Amy slowly calming down, but slightly happy at the thoughts of giving Eggman what he deserved.

As for Eggman himself, he had a very intricate plan.
"I'll turn all three of my hated enemies into lackeys at my command. Then nobody will ever stop my dream of an Eggman empire!" Of course, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles never heard this.

The girls were trying to figure out a plan to get their boys back, but most were too reckless.
"I'm an optimist, but I also look at the facts. Our boys are trapped in a fortified Eggman Empire Fortress, and who knows what Eggman plans to do with them. We have to work methodically, or we'll be trapped too!" Cream explained.
"But what if we went in just as we were?" Tikal suggested. "Eggman wouldn't expect us to be any threat, and just let his robots take care of us."
"All three of us would get blown to pieces as soon as we arrived," Amy said. "We could go in one at a time."
"Eggman's cameras would show that," Cream reminded her. "Tikal's plan makes the most sense, though. If we can disable the cameras too, that would be even better."

So that's what they did. They went in just as they were. Amy lead the charge, knocking swathes of the Egg Pawns away with her Piko Piko Hammer, Cream sent her faithful Chao companion, Cheese to ram them, and Tikal used her clan's battle skills to aid her.

Meanwhile, there was an alert on Dr.Eggman's computer. It showed the girls clearing a path up to where the three boys were held.
"They're too late!" he cackled. "Go,my Memory Zapper, go! I shall have the last laugh!"

So saying, the boys were brainwashed by the Memory Zapper, and when they woke, Dr. Eggman said "You are Sonic. You are Tails. You are Knuckles. You work for me. Greetings. I am Dr. Robotnik, though most call me Dr. Eggman. Listen. If anyone comes up to where you are right now, destroy them!"
"Affirmative," the trio said.
"I just hope the girls don't try to get them to come back using memories. There is a bug in that brainwashing device that can give a target's memory back if they happen to remember one," Dr. Eggman thought. "No matter. It won't be long now."

Finally, the girls reached the prison block, only to be met with Sonic, Tails and Knuckles saying "Dr. Eggman's orders. Eliminate intruders!"
"T...Tails?" Cream said, then dodged out of the way as the fox boy leaped at her.
"Knuckles, what's gotten into you?" Tikal asked, dodging his punches.
"S... Sonic! What are you? How are you...?" Amy said, then gasped as Sonic grabbed her.
"Something's wrong! Whatever Dr. Eggman did to them, it seems to have brainwashed them. They can't remember us, or even why they're here!" Tikal said. We'll have to defeat them, unfortunately..."
"I won't accept that!" Cream said. "She knelt down in front of Tails and said "You don't know this now, but I'm one of your friends. So if you're going to kill me, go ahead, and then at least I'll know that I've died with one of my friends."

The look of evil in Tails' eyes disappeared. "Why would you say that, Cream? I'd never kill anyone," he said.
"T... Tails? You came back!" Cream squealed as she rushed to throw her arms around him.

Instantly, Eggman's plan had begun to crumble. Amy kissed Sonic, who instantly regained his memories and kissed back, as did Tikal, converting Knuckles back.

"What happened to us?" Knuckles asked.
"You were captured and brainwashed by Eggman," Cream replied.
"Speaking of which, let's get out of here before he comes back," Sonic said. The six bolted for the exit, but were met by a massive Death Egg Robot.

"Gotcha!" Dr Eggman exclaimed. "You thought you could escape me? No! You may have reversed my brainwashing machine, but I'll crush you if I have to!"
"Not if I crush you first, Egghead!" Sonic teased.

He spin dashed towards the robot, hoping to hit its core, exposing its power source. Instead, Eggman stopped him with a well-placed open hand, picked him up and started to crush him in his hand.
"You can go now!" Eggman told the rest. "All I need is Sonic!"
"Well, we won't..." Amy said. "And you'll pay for what you did to Sonic!" she added, smacking the body of the Death Egg Robot with her hammer, only for it to do nothing.
"Wa ha ha!" Dr Eggman gloated. "You can't do anything to it!" Now, I'll crush you along with Sonic!"

That, however, triggered Sonic. "Don't you dare touch Amy!" he roared, and started spin dashing in the palm of the robot's hand, breaking free and smashing into the core glass- destroying the power source along with it. The robot started to explode, and the other's retreated, Tails airlifting Amy free from the weakening hand of the robot.
"I'll get you for this, Soniccccc!" Eggman cried, and he was gone.

"You always say that Eggman. But it never happens. And that's because we stop you," Sonic muttered.
"With a whole load of girl power this time!" Cream chuckled.
"And the power of my love for Sonic!" Amy added, Sonic sighing at that.
"Oh my love," he said, as he walked home along with the rest of his friends.

One shot done! This is a totally new one, featuring different ships, battles and planning for them. Hope you like it.
Next time is (finally!) part 2 of Ask Her to Dance! Tails meets Cream's mother, Vanilla, but what will she think of him? And what will happen when he sets up a first date at an amusement park. Stay tuned to find out!

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