Dark Tails

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Another request for @LucasmasterTAIREAM1, with a character who isn't even in the Sonic Universe!

"This world is perfect," an evil voice called through the forest. "So many innocents to corrupt and spread my influence." The voice was coming from Pibby Glitch, a massive jet black entity with only his face visible, that being a white-coloured rabbit, with drool dripping from his mouth. He was also known as Darkness, and he had come to Mobius to corrupt its inhabitants and spread his influence.

And unfortunately, a certain fox boy would be the first to know of his presence...

"Finally!" Tails said, finishing off the tent. He'd gone camping in Leaf Forest with his daughter, Taffy Prower, who had brought her crush, Lucky Bee along with her. So far, things had been going fine, but they would have to build a fire to have some s'mores. Tails would light it, but the three of them would collect firewood. Taffy went first, attracting the attention of Pibby Glitch.
"This is perfect," he thought. "A vulnerable teenager. Perfect." He advanced towards her, quickly and quietly, but just as he was about to engulf her in his black mound, she heard Lucky calling "Have you found any?" and she quickly turned and ran back to where her father had set up camp.
"She survived... for now. I could play with her a little longer, but if there are more with her, I'll try and corrupt them all in one fell swoop." Pibby laughed, retreating into a darker part of the forest.

Tails was next, having seen that he definitely needed to find more firewood. He headed into the forest, which seemed to grow darker and darker around him. He brought a flashlight with him though, so that helped. Finally, he found a small patch of firewood, and it suddenly turned pitch black, and the bulb on Tails' flashlight suddenly smashed.

"Hello... Tails..." a voice called out from the darkness.
"H...how do you know who I am?" Tails stuttered. "Who are you?" He whimpered, helpless in the black void around him.
"Do you have any close relationships?" the voice asked.
"Yes, a daughter, Taffy Prower, and my wife, Cream. But why do you want to know?" Tails replied.
"I will free you of your imperfections. Make you complete..." the voice continued.
"I'm good as myself, thank you very much!" Tails shouted indignantly.
"I beg to differ, fox!" the voice said. You're mine now, so sit back and learn from the master!"
Pibby Glitch appeared, and Tails tried to run, but he couldn't tell where he was going. He eventually ran smack into an oak tree, and slumped to the ground. With Pibby cackling maniacally in front of him, the fox boy was completely helpless against him. He screamed as Pibby's black body engulfed him, muting him in the process as he corrupted him.

When it was over, Pibby instructed the now corrupted Tails to find Taffy.
"Head out into the world and share what I've given you! Be fruitful and terrorise!" Tails nodded, and headed out on his objective. Pibby Glitch followed him, saying "This will have to do for now. But it won't take long before I can spread my influence over this world. I just need a few more people... much more. And I'll let this little fox lead me to them.

However, Tails' scream had rang out across the forest. Taffy had heard him, as did Lucky, and they went to find him. They'd not gone two miles, however, until Tails appeared. But he was changed... horribly changed. His yellow fur had changed to jet black, and the white fur on his namesakes had taken on a purple colour. But the worst was his eyes. They were devoid of any pupils, and fully white. Worse, he let out a massive screech, and ran for the two. Taffy and Lucky took one long, entirely horrified look at him-and they turned and ran.
"Why are we running? It's Tails...right?" Lucky said.
"It isn't. Not anymore," Taffy said, her tails and ears drooping in sadness. "If anyone needs to know about this, it's my mother. Even though I get the feeling she won't like it..." As she ran though, she noticed a little amount of speech from behind her.
"And now Taffy and her bee friend are deviating from my projected path. Infuriating. No matter, though. As long as they don't show Tails how they love him, he won't be converted back..."
"Great... now I know how to cure him! And Mom will be great at that..." Taffy thought.

When they got home, Taffy and Lucky looked around for Cream. They found her in her room, stacking Tails' birthday presents high. Taffy noticed Slender: The Arrival among the others.
"Hi, Taffy... wait. Why are you back so soon?" Cream asked.
"Bad news, Cream. Tails is... Tails has been corrupted by a mysterious force..." Lucky explained.
"But we know how to stop him. We need to express our love to him, and you'll be able to help us with that." Taffy added.
"I would love to... This... force will pay for this!" Cream shouted, and they both headed out immediately, Cream picking up Tails' arm cannon and lockdown grenades he'd built to fight Eggman as a weapon. "On Tails' birthday too!" she added.

"Oh, yes! Brilliant!" Pibby Glitch shouted gleefully. "Now three will join my ranks!"
"Alright, mysterious force!" Taffy called. "Show yourself!"
"With pleasure..." Pibby whispered.
Tails came out, followed by Pibby.
"Bring them to me..." he ordered.

Tails ran towards the trio, arms outstretched- and found himself engulfed in a hug by Taffy and Lucky. That didn't work though, and they were being dragged back.
"Tails, please! Remember me! I'm your daughter!" Taffy begged.
"Is this what you want? For your daughter to suffer at the hands of evil? I thought you were against all that!" Lucky Bee pleaded.
"No!" Cream shouted, and ran for them, but Tails tripped her with his twin tails, making her fall. But it had exposed an opening, and Cream wrapped her arms around the fox boy's neck, pulled herself up and kissed him on the lips, as a last resort. She kept her lips pressed against his, her lungs quickly losing air. Suddenly, just as she was about to suffocate, Tails dropped Taffy and Lucky, and lifted his lips from hers, leaving her gasping for breath. Her kiss had reversed the transformation, Tails' fur returning to its normal yellow, the purple fur on his namesakes becoming white, and his lifeless white eyes had the ice-blue iris she knew so well.
"No! No! No!" Pibby screamed in rage. "I had them! I'd won!"
"Care to do the honours?" Cream asked.
"As you wish," Tails replied, and took the arm cannon and lockdown grenades from Cream. Pibby Glitch tried to flee, but Tails threw one of the grenades, creating a lockdown field that trapped him, then followed up with several blasts of the arm cannon, and one final charged shot to send Pibby back to his own world.
"That'll teach you to mess with my wife and family!" Tails shouted as Pibby disappeared.

He ended up cancelling the trip and returning to Cream's house with Taffy and Lucky in tow.
"I've got a lot of surprises for you!" Cream said.
"Oh!" Tails said. "I forgot it was my birthday!"

One-shot done! Next time is a story I'm pretty excited to write: Race For Love, based on Sonic Free Riders! When Cream and the rest of Team Rose withdraw from the Grand Prix, how will Tails tell Cream how he feels? Watch this space to find out!

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