Everlasting Love

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Taffy Prower looked around at the gloomy streets of Central City. She missed her father, Miles 'Tails' Prower, who had gone to Emerald Coast to get an anniversary gift for Taffy's mother, Cream-and had not come back.

Suddenly, her mother caught her attention. "Taffy, there's something I want to show you... Not that you'll like it. At all," she said.
"Oh...ok," Taffy said, then noticed the expression on Cream's face. It showed infinite sadness. She had never seen Cream so deeply upset. Taffy followed her to a place she could never have expected. It was the cemetery. Something was new. It was a massive gravestone, with several names on it.
"Taffy, my dear... there's a reason why your father hasn't come back," Cream said. "I've been holding it off for weeks so as not to upset you, but..." Cream was getting tearful. "Three months ago, Eggman hit Emerald Coast with an Egg Satellite containing an extremely powerful laser. Some had survived, but... Tails wasn't one of them."

Taffy looked at the gravestone and saw that it said at the top 'Testament to those who died of the laser attack from Dr. Eggman'. Halfway down, it said 'Miles 'Tails' Prower."
"No!" Taffy shouted. "It's not true! It's not true!" She tried to deny it, but she couldn't. "This has to be averted." A few years back, she had invented a time machine that even Tails had not managed to build successfully, and had most recently used it to see if her and her crush, Lucky Bee, got together. But this time, it was crucial to her father's life.

Ten years earlier...
Tails and Cream were out on a date in Leaf Forest.
"Wow! This place is beautiful!" Cream said, having been a bit confused when Tails mentioned this.
"I know," Tails answered. "It's just you and me, and no one else."

The words had just left his mouth when a massive ship appeared in front of them, and a young female fox stepped out of it.

"Hi! I'm Taffy Prower!"she said.
"Are you like a relative or something?" Tails asked, obviously confused.
"Well, sort of..." Taffy answered. "But, I'm here because there's going to be a big problem in the future. One that will end your relationship as you know it."
"Are you part of that problem?" Cream inquired, starting to get a bit suspicious.
"No. I'm here because you're the only ones I know who can stop it," Taffy explained.
"Do we have to get in your ship?" Tails asked.
"Yeah... This is going to sound crazy but... it's a time machine," Taffy said.
"That's impossible!" Tails protested. "Nobody has managed that successfully! Not even me!"
"Hard to believe? Just get into it and find out," Taffy said.

Tails and Cream looked at each other and shrugged before making their way towards the 'time machine'. Taffy started the machine up, and they rocketed off to where Taffy had been before. After getting out, Cream instantly noticed how Central City had changed.
"Alright Taffy, what's the problem?" Cream asked.
"It's...ugh... Eggman. He's planning to hit Emerald Coast with a laser and incinerate everyone in his path... including the Tails of today, who's trying to get the Cream of today an anniversary gift.
"That's low, even for Eggman!" Tails said. "Where is he anyway?"
"That's what I don't know," Taffy answered. "However, what I do know is that he will have to pass this way to get to Emerald Coast without being seen. And he'll be on the satellite."
"Ok," Tails said. "We have to come up with a plan. If Eggman catches us trying to destroy the satellite, we're dead."
"What if one of us distracted Eggman while the other tried to blow up the satellite?" Cream said.
"That sounds good!" Taffy replied. "Who would do that, though?"
"I'll do it," Tails said. "I'll distract Eggman. You can destroy the satellite, Cream."
"Alright. Now all we have to do is wai..." Cream was cut off by a familiar-faced satellite flying overhead.
"That's our cue! Hold on Cream!" Tails grabbed Cream in his arms and carried her up while flying. Once landing, they went in through a hatch in the top.
There were two doors. One led to the Throne Room, and the other to the Control Office.
"Here we go, Cream..." Tails said.
"Good luck, Tails," Cream said. Sharing a tight hug, they went into each door.

For Tails, the throne room went straight to a darkened room where he could hardly see a thing. Suddenly, pairs of lights at either side turned on one by one.
"Eggman! Your plot ends here and now!" Tails said.
"Oh really?" a slightly robotic voice said. A mechanical monster leapt from the darkness ahead and landed in front of Tails. The fox boy swallowed hard. This was it. Normally, Eggman would be easy. That was when he was with Sonic. Right now, he was unsure if he'd come back alive...

In Cream's case, she was dealing with a lot of small fry Badniks on her way to the Control Office. She was looking for anything that said 'Self-destruct' or a big red button. All the red buttons she found were 'Fire', 'Aim' or 'Homing Shot'. Cream had to keep looking, though. Her boyfriend's life depended upon it.

Dealing with Eggman's robots was one thing, but dealing with Eggman himself was quite another, as Tails was quite battered by the fists of Eggman's mech. He struggled to his feet- and got hit in the stomach, making him double over.
The fox struggled to kneel, but Eggman stood firm. To his horror, he raised the mech's drill arm to deliver the final blow.

Cream was now dealing with Super Badniks. She could easily dodge the strong hammer blows of them, but when flying to attack them from above, she was very vulnerable. With her gallant little body as delicate as it was, one blow from one of those power hammers would be enough to kill her. It didn't help that she'd found the self-destruct button as soon as those Badniks saw her, so she was now in a cramped fighting position. Suddenly, she had an idea. She used her ears. Literally. Flipping them forward onto the control panel, they hit the self- destruct button. She then spin dashed out of the room, heading for the hatch she'd come in from. Her only concern now was Tails.
"Please be okay..." she said as she flew back down to the floor of Central City.

Tails was holding back the extended drill arm of Eggman with all his strength, his arms buckling under the weight of it. He couldn't let go, though, as even one of the three prongs hitting him would finish him off.
"Ugh! I've had it with you!" Eggman screamed. I'll just burn you up!"
The drill arm retracted, giving Tails enough room to get up. The eyes on the mech glowed red, before firing a wide-beam Tracking Laser from them. From his shoulders, he fired volleys of homing missiles. Both of them tracked Tails around.
"Every mech has a weakness," Tails thought. "Time to exploit it." He flew upwards, dodging the lasers and drawing the missiles up towards him. He turned, flying round the back of the mech and landing on it, the missiles arcing around to face him.

Eggman was curious where Tails had gone. Turning around, he saw the fox boy giving a thumbs up and a wink, before tilting to the left. To Eggman's horror, the missiles were heading right towards his mech. Tails jumped, and the six missiles hammered into the mech. He ran outside the Throne Room door, not stopping to see how the mech exploded, and began to fly out the hatch he came in through.

From the ground, Cream and Taffy had been waiting patiently. However, the Egg Satellite then exploded into a huge orange ball of flame- with Tails most probably in it.
"Taffy, will the future Tails survive?" Cream asked hopefully.
"Probably not, as since the present day Tails isn't here, he'll probably die on the spot," Taffy answered guiltily.
"Alright..." Cream sighed.
"And Cream... it's time you knew who I am," Taffy said. "I'm your daughter."
"Oh. Wow! So in the future, I'm going to have kids?" Cream asked.
"Not with Tails maybe, but with another fox," Taffy replied, looking up to the sky- and seeing a familiar two-tailed silhouette gliding down.
"Cream!" Taffy squealed. "Look up! It's him!"
"Him? Who?" Cream said, then saw Tails flying gently down to her. As he landed, he got tackled and hugged by Cream.
"You scared me to death!" Cream shouted. "Don't ever leave escaping to the last minute again!"
"I didn't!" Tails said. "Eggman kept me."
"By the way, Taffy Prower is our daughter," Cream told him.
"So, I'm going to be a dad?" Tails asked.
"Indeed you are," Cream said.

After teleporting back to where Tails and Cream previously were, Taffy said "I look forward to you having me!" before returning to her own time.
"We should head home now, before your mother gets worried," Tails said.
"Great idea!" Cream said. "By the way Tails... if I wanted to have kids with you... and I do, would you want to?"
"I'd like to get married first... if that's ok with you," Tails answered.
"Sure!" Cream answered. "Whatever you want, Tails!"

One-shot done! This was Lucas1masterTAIREAM's original one-shot request with the theme of 'Time Travel'. Next time is a proposal one-shot! Stay tuned!

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