I Will Never Leave You, Cream

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Sorry to keep you waiting, @LucasmasterTAIREAM! It's here at last!

Tails had done it. Cream had said yes to the dress, and she was now going to marry Tails in 3 months. Everyone was invited, except Dr. Eggman, with an extra thought towards him almost losing his chance to propose to Cream. In fact, if Sonic hadn't found the ring box on the ground, the pair wouldn't be getting married.

However, two girls weren't too happy about that. At all.

A day later, there was a knock at Tails' door. He opened it and gasped. Zooey, a female fox who he'd originally loved before he stood Cream up on a date was standing outside his door, along with someone he never would have expected. Cosmo the Seedrian.
"Cosmo?" Tails said. "Aren't you supposed to be dead?"
"Yes, but plants always come back. And you belong with me. Didn't you love me before I died?" Cosmo asked.
"Yeah... but I'm with Cream now," Tails replied.
"But... she's a rabbit and you're a fox! Aren't you two species supposed to be enemies?" Zooey said. "You loved me previously, so why don't you come back with me?"
"It's too late," Tails answered. "I'm marrying her in 3 months."
"Then just call it off then! No harm done," Zooey said.
"What's going on here?" Cream asked, coming to the door.
"Now you've done it!" Tails said. "You've got Cream here!"
"Cosmo? Zooey?" Cream said.
"Don't worry about us," Zooey said. "We're just here to say that your foxy friend should be ours."
"And Cream, you were my best friend," Cosmo reminded her. "Isn't that good enough for you?"
"No," Tails said at last. "Cream's the only one for me."
"We won't take that for an answer, Tails," Cosmo said.
"Ughhh..." Tails groaned. "Fine. I'll give my hand to whoever gives me the best night over. Cosmo, you're up first."

Tails was true to his word, and showed up at Cosmo's house.
"How's life been without me?" Cosmo asked, serving him some vegetable soup.
Tails took a mouthful before answering. "Good, I guess. Found another love. Cream helped me through this loss," Tails said. "My, where did you learn this?"
"Amy's recipe," answered Cosmo.
"Brilliant, isn't it?"
"The same one she taught me, which. I taught Cream," Tails said. "Cream then taught it to her mother, Vanilla."
"You've been good to Cream," Cosmo said, as Tails finished off the soup.
"But now, you'll find out that you don't need that rabbit girl."

Tails stopped dead.
"What did you just call Cream?" he asked.
"Rabbit girl. Is that bad?" Cosmo replied.
"Is that all she is to you? Just a beige-coloured rabbit who can't love me as well as you can?" Tails said. "You disappoint me, Cosmo. She was your best friend, and that's all you thought of her?!" he shouted. "You were right. Plants and animals don't get along well."
With that, Tails stormed out her house and went to Zooey's.

Zooey's house was great! The food was good, the bedrooms were warm and Zooey's company was welcoming.
"How was Cosmo?" Zooey asked.
"She called Cream a 'rabbit girl'," Tails said. "Cream was her best friend, and that's all she was to her. I left after hearing that."
"Why would she do that?" Zooey gasped. Cosmo's words did shock her little. Even if Cream wasn't going to be Tails' lover for long if she kept the fox boy here, she was still his friend, and a very close one at that.
"Either way, you're way better than her," Tails said.
"Don't mess this up, Zooey. He likes this," Zooey thought.

Eventually, it was time to sleep. However, Tails noticed a certain degree of excitement in Zooey's eyes. At first he assumed it was just how she was, but then he noticed an extent to her. He couldn't help but wonder. At least, until he saw a familiar looking card on his bedside desk. He read it and gasped. It said: 'After this night, you are not allowed to see Cream again unless she's on a mission with you. If you do, I'll take care of her personally.
I'm watching you. Zooey.'

"ZOOEY!" Tails screamed, enraged at what she'd said in that card.
"So you found it..."
"You're worse than Cosmo. If I see Cream again, you'll do terrible things to her?" Tails shouted, trying to keep calm.
"You loved me before you loved her, right?" Zooey replied.
"I did," Tails admitted. "I cannot approve or disapprove that. But the way you set me up so that I couldn't see Cream again. The way you'd set me up so that I'd have to love you..."
"You were already halfway there!" Zooey shouted.
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Tails exclaimed. His calm facade had finally cracked, and the naked rage on his face hit Zooey like a fully charged spin dash.
"I'm out of here. Don't ever see me again."

Tails ran as fast as he could back to Cream's house.
"Let me guess. They weren't good enough for you," Cream said.
"Even worse. Cosmo referred to you as a rabbit girl and Zooey tried to prevent me from seeing you," Tails said. In Zooey's case, I had never been so angry in all of my life."

The two girls weren't ready to give up yet though.
"Looks like we'll have to get rid of Cream for good," Zooey said.
"Sorry Tails," Cosmo said. "You leave us no choice."

When Cream woke up before Tails to prepare for the morning, she heard a knock at the door. She went to answer it- and was immediately grabbed by Cosmo and Zooey and pulled out the door. A few minutes later, she was being dragged and forced into the waters of Aqua Lake.
"You'll never be able to leave us now," Cosmo said, with her arms wrapped tight around her.

Tails woke up and saw that Cream wasn't in his bed with him. He panicked and ran out the door and straight into Sonic.
"I know. Cream was grabbed by Cosmo and Zooey and taken to Aqua Lake," he said
Well, if Tails was mad before, it was nothing compared to this. The burning rage in his heart made him fly upwards using his two tails and towards Aqua Lake.

Cream was still being forced into the water. "Stop it. I can't swim!" she pleaded. The water was icy cold. The air flew out of her lungs. "Let go of me, please!" Zooey's voice was soft in her ears. "I told you I'd find a way to make Tails love me."
Cream tried to dig her heels in, to push back against the two girls, but they were so much stronger than her. She felt limp in their arms. Helpless. They dragged Cream down deeper, down into Aqua Lake, until the water closed over her head. Cream gave a terrible, gurgling cry, and the girls were satisfied with dealing with her.

"Zooey the Fox and Cosmo the Seedrian," a voice said behind them
Zooey groaned. "Oh, great!" she said as she turned around and saw Tails behind her.
"Drowning Cream?" the fox boy exclaimed. "Are you out of your minds?"
"She's a pacifist through and through!" Cosmo said. This was a last resort for her. "What good is she to a team that fights all the time?"
"She can stand up for herself and her family when required," Tails said. "Just like I can." Tails dived into the water where Cream was, picked her up and airlifted her out.

Cream coughed up tons of water onto the ground near the lake, and once she was done, she gave Zooey a piece of her mind.
"What are you thinking?! Taking a girl to die and getting her boyfriend worried sick? Who even are you?" she said.
"You're automatically not going to get my love," Tails added. "Ever. And by the way, I don't love Cream because of her looks, but because of how nice she is! She doesn't put anyone down, and keeps Team Sonic happy!"

With that, Tails and Cream walked back home, leaving Cosmo and Zooey standing there, finally realising that they'd gone completely the wrong way for Tails' love.

"Thank you, Tails," Cream said. "You saved my life."
"No problem!" Tails said.

Looking into each other's eyes, they shared a long, loving kiss. As they kissed, they held each other tightly, not wanting to let go of the sweet embrace they were in. But at last, they needed some air, and broke the kiss.
"Thank you Tails, for being in my life, and loving me the way you do," Cream said. "You're the only one for me."
"Same here," Tails replied. "I will never leave you, Cream."

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