The Big Proposal

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Tails put the ring box inside his suit pocket. However, he wasn't wearing it. As a matter of fact, it was supposed to be a surprise. He'd been with his girlfriend, Cream for 4 years, dating, hugging and kissing. Now he wanted to take the next step and make Cream his girl permanently-as his wife. Now, the question was, when was the right time to do it? He knew Cream would love it, and she wanted to marry him badly.

Cream was waiting outside for Tails, and was starting to wonder what was taking him so long. However, Tails then burst out the door, and said "What did you have planned?"

"It's Amy and Sonic's wedding anniversary today, so we're going to go," Cream said.
Tails suddenly felt terribly guilty. He hadn't brought a gift for them.
"You did buy a gift, didn't you?" Tails asked.
"Yes. Why wouldn't I?" Cream giggled.
"Oh, good," Tails sighed. He then got an idea. He'd propose to Cream at the anniversary.

With that done, Cream and Tails headed out for Sonic's house. Well, it was actually his and Amy's house, but Sonic owned it first. The anniversary turned out better than Tails and Cream could have imagined. There were games, a huge cake and a massive present stack for Amy. In Rouge's case, Sonic was surprised that Rouge hadn't taken the huge silver wreath she'd bought for herself before the anniversary arrived. Cream's gift was a rare pearl she'd found on Tails' private beach while out on his boat.
"Wow!" Amy shouted. "This is beautiful!"
"You should really thank Tails, as he was responsible for me finding it!" Cream said. Tails giggled a little and blushed.

Unfortunately, the anniversary presented no opportunity for him to propose, which would have been great. He walked home after Cream had returned to her home with his two tails slightly down, and a little bitter about the situation that would have been perfect- or, at least if Big hadn't tripped and fallen in front of him while looking for Froggy, in turn breaking the mood.
But then again, he guessed he couldn't blame him.

The next day, Tails planned to propose to Cream first thing. So he went round her house and went straight to her room.
"Cream... there's something I want to tell you. I... I've been wanting to tell you this for weeks... yesterday, as a matter of fact, but I couldn't find a good time for it," Tails told her.
"What is it, Tails?" Cream asked.
"Suddenly, an alert on both Tails and Cream's Team Sonic smart watches went off saying Eggman was attacking Seaside Hill.
"Oh, come on!" Tails moaned.

Eggman's plan involved attacking Seaside Hill with his Egg Drill to find a Chaos Emerald hidden in the depths. Tails was sent down to stop him, but was forced to take to the air in his biplane, the Tornado, and attack from above. Eggman anticipated his move though, and grabbed him with the Egg Drill's hands before starting to crush him. Sonic, however, saw this and jumped into the Tornado as it fell, and piloted it towards the Egg Drill from behind. A round of gunfire from the plane and drills being fired from the Egg Drill and Team Sonic was victorious. As they headed home, though, Sonic noticed something on the ground.
"What's this?" he thought.

Tails was now ready to propose to Cream, and nothing was going to stop him. There was a perfect opportunity, as Tails saw Cream sitting in the grass. He walked up to her and sat down with her.
"Cream, you know what I was going to tell you earlier?" he asked.
"Yeah?" Cream replied.
"I'd like to tell you now," Tails said, reaching into his suit pocket. However, the ring wasn't there!
"No! No no no no!" Tails shouted.
"What is it?" Cream said, alarmed by her boyfriend's response.
"Where is it? Where is it?!" Tails panicked, as Cream moved to comfort him, asking "Where's what?"

"Uh...Tails, is this yours?" a voice said behind the fox boy. Tails turned around and saw the ring box in the hands of a certain blue hedgehog.
"Thank you Sonic, thank you!" Tails exclaimed.
"You're welcome, pal," Sonic smiled. "But what's it for?"
"You won't have to wait long to find out," Tails said.
"What's inside?" Cream asked, intrigued.
"It's... something important to me. But now... I have another," Tails said.
"Another?" Cream replied.
"You, Cream," Tails began. "You're everything to me. And I... wanted to give this to you." Tails knelt down on one knee and opened the box, pulling out a golden ring with the clearest diamond Cream had ever seen on top.
"I love you Cream, and I was just wondering if you would want to... to... be my wife? Heh... Cream... will you marry me?" Tails said, finally asking the inevitable question.
Cream paused for a moment, stunned at what he had just asked her. She then read her own heart, and squealed "YES! Oh Tails! A million times yes!" as she smothered the fox with kisses and hugs.
"Heh... thanks," Tails said. "Don't worry about your mother. I talked to her and she gave me the go ahead. Pick yourself a white dress, as I've got my outfit."
"Where's the venue?" Cream asked, getting off Tails.
"Where you found the pearl for Amy," Tails replied. "My private beach. And everyone is invited."
"Even me?" Sonic asked.
"Even you, Sonic," Tails chuckled.
"Thanks for doing this, Tails," Cream said. "I can't wait to be your wife."
"Same here. I can't wait to be your husband," Tails said, as he and Cream wrapped each other in a soft kiss.

One-shot done! Hope you like it! Next time, some familiar girls crop up in an attempt to win Tails to their side and stop him from marrying Cream! Will they succeed, or will Tails stand firm? Watch this space!

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