Chapter One

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"People claim right before you die, you're met with flashbacks of your most favored memories. You are given the chance to relive them for their duration, or you could choose to skip them and go right into the 'afterlife'. Who would pass up the opportunity to view them, anyway? Unless you've never made any half-decent memories worth the time to relive before you die, I don't see a problem with it."

Akaashi let a soft sigh of relief escape through his lips as he noticed the time upon the clock above the painting of a beautiful landscape. There was only fifteen minutes until his class, studying human psychology, will start, and he'd have to endure the treacherous voice of his professor. Don't get him wrong, he adored the class material, although the teacher could lay off the cigarettes once in a while, it was starting to get to his voice. He tapped the 'pause' button on the podcast playing aloud on his phone, as he set his coffee cup down on its coaster.

Akaashi pocketed his phone, his feet gracefully tapping on the vinyl wood flooring of his apartment towards the front door to slide his boots on. A bag was momentarily slipped over his right shoulder, as he headed out the door before securing it locked. The glacial, soft winds of the autumn air kissed Akaashi's face as he heading down the brick path towards the main campus. He observes the leaves upon the ground, their browns, oranges, and yellows leaving a warm feeling inside him despite the frigid temperatures. At this moment, Akaashi regretted not wearing a second jacket to shield himself better- his scarf wasn't doing him justice.

His eyes wandered to the front door of the psychology building, it's metal handles shocking him with its touch, which sparked a sigh from Akaashi. He followed his mind down the hallway, partially empty aside from the uneasiness he received as he approached his classroom. The door was propped open, as he walked through it, taking in the relief of him not being the first one there. Three students, equally separated from each other with their noses in their books aside from one, who's attention was drawn to their phone, were seated in the cushioned chairs as Akaashi passed each row of tables.

He took his seat near the back of the classroom, setting his bag on the empty space beside his section of the tan-painted wood table. Akaashi removed his laptop from the bag, imputing his password as it unlocked before him.

As the time passed, more students flowed into the classroom and Akaashi's eyes were still locked on the article on the screen before him.

"How To Make Friends: For People Who Are Introverted"
Published February 16, ****
By Hikaro Nakamato

Getting yourself out there is the staple of making friends- making yourself available and easy to approach will help you achieve your goals of earning more friends to your circle. Taking the time to learn what about yourself are you greatest qualities and using them to-

Akaashi brought a hand to his face, adjusting his glasses as he leaned back in his chair, his eyes scanning over the article. For the past few months of his Junior year, he reflected on his lack of friends throughout his experience so far. His priorities have been set on studying to make it through college with decent grades, he didn't have enough time to fool around in the insane experience of college. Akaashi through it would be a good idea to attempt to make friends with someone- anyone, who would be willing to talk to him. He wasn't entirely the most social person, but he could provide a decent conversation.

He felt a presence approach his table, its shadow overlapping his screen- it was just enough of a distraction to pull his eyes off the article and look up to who it was. "Hey, is that seat taken?" The low, almost body-shuddering voice spoke with a pointed finger at the empty seat- it brought Akaashi's attention entirely onto him as he scooted forward, allowing the person to pass through.

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