Chapter Thirty-One

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A groan escaped through Akaashi's throat as he slowly came back to reality. His eyes fluttered opened, taking in the dimly lit room he woke up in. The blanket on the creaking bed beneath him scratched against his skin as he tried sitting himself up. He looked around, adjusting his glasses but only to find out one of the lenses was cracked. Akaashi furrowed his eyebrows as he noticed, taking them off to weakly inspect them. He cursed under his breath as he lifted his head, observing the surroundings of the room.

Akaashi muttered something as he slowly stood up, placing a hand on the wall as he stumbled. His head was dizzy; it was almost like he was just awakening from a hectic night of drinking. He wasn't sure how long he had been asleep, or even where he was. Akaashi noticed the door across the room, which he was quick to walk to. He didn't know what he expected, but the door opening certainly wasn't one of those things. The hallway was brightly lit and the walls were bland; he made sure to stay quiet as he trotted down the wooden floor. Its cold air rippled a shiver across his body, goosebumps appearing several seconds later. He mumbled encouragements to himself to keep walking, anxiety creeping in every inch.

"You're awake, finally," A dark voice spoke behind him and he quickly spun on his heels to face them, "It's time to take you into questioning, Keiji."

"Don't call me that." The sharpness in his tone struck a smug smirk across the man's face. His lucious black curls framed his face perfectly when he tilted his head to the side.

"Why not, that is your name, is it not?" Akaashi bit the inside of his cheek, refusing to form a response, "I see you're not the talkative type," The man approached him, and he was still considerably close despite Akaashi taking a step back, "We're going to change that." His hand was encapsulated in a black rubber glove, Akaashi only noticed when the man grabbed his arm and began pulling him down the hall. Akaashi figured it would only cause him more trouble to fight back than to stand up for himself. The pair reached a door down the hall that the man opened with a key card.

He guided Akaashi to sit on a comfortable chair on the opposing side of the large wooden desk in the center of the room. Another man, less muscular and slightly shorter, stood beside it and was fiddling with something inside of a case, "How are you, Akaashi?" He asked.

"Fine." Akaashi didn't bother looking at him until he pulled a shiny syringe out from the case, quickly jabbing it into his shoulder. He winced, trying to fight it but the liquid had already been injected by the time he noticed.

"Don't worry, it's just a little bit of truth serum," he patted his shoulder, "You'll be alright." Akaashi looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows as he disposed of the needle.

"Now, Keiji-."

"Akaashi." He cut him off rapidly, which struck a nerve beneath the man's skin.

"Akaashi, do you know why you're here?" Akaashi narrowed his eyes, slowly nodding, "Well, I'm Kiyoomi Sakusa, leader of the pack your parents abandoned while my father was in charge."

He observed Sakusa, piecing together that the note from his dream was, indeed, from him. The branding on Osamu's neck in the dream was his initials. Akaashi clenched his fists beneath the table, biting back his harsh words, "You're going to provide us  with some answers, and Komori, over here, will have this recorded while we do so."

"Okay." Akaashi felt a wave of dizziness overtake his mind, his vision becoming slightly blurred but trailing back in every so often. Sakusa pulled out a clipboard, crossing a leg over his other as he clicked open a pen.

"Why did your parents leave us?" Akaashi thought back on his conversation with his parents before.

"They told me they left because the environment was unfit for a child." Sakusa wrote his answer down, dropping the point of his pen to the next question.

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