Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The following two days passed by in a harsh blue, and it only felt real once Akaashi slid on the black medical mask over his face. He flipped the hood of his hoodie over his head as he walked off the train that was now home. To say he was excited to be back would be an understatement. Akaashi kept his composure as he looked around for someone familiar. His hopes broke down the longer he looked around only to find no one of importance. Just as he pulled his phone out, he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around him tightly, which caused a gasp to spurt from his lips.

"You're back!" Bokuto announced with a large smile, Akaashi settling his racing heartbeat as he quickly turned around. He swung his arms around his boyfriends' neck and brought him closer to his chest. Akaashi laughed quietly as he felt Bokuto lift him off the ground and spin around with him. Once he placed Akaashi back on his feet, his arms fell to his hips as Akaashi looked lovingly into his eyes.

"I missed this so much." Akaashi pulled his mask down to his chin as he cupped Bokuto's face gently. His lips placed kisses all over his face and on every inch he could reach. Bokuto laughed as he held Akaashi's wrists lightly, admiring his face as he slowly pulled away.

"Oh, we need to start heading back for your- never mind, let's just start heading back!" Bokuto's sudden pause in his sentence made Akaashi curious as to what he meant, although he didn't want to let it get to his head too much. He was glad the isolation was over, but he wanted to return with a strong mindset. The pair started walking down the bustling streets, hand in hand. Akaashi had missed this much more than he expected. The walk back felt like two seconds compared to its actual time, but perhaps it was because he was finally with his lover and was excited to see his other two.

Bokuto paused at the front door to Akaashi's apartment before knocking an intricate pattern, which confused Akaashi more. The pair heard shuffling before silence again, and Bokuto decided to open the door. The pair removed their shoes and Bokuto took Akaashi's bag from his shoulders, giving him a small kiss before stepping out of the way.

"Why is it so dark-," Akaashi was mid-sentence before he was cut off by the lights suddenly turning on to reveal decorations covering his apartment. A banner hung over the large window, spelling 'Welcome Home' across it in black letters. Balloons scattered the floor as several hanging decorations caught his eye. Akaashi glanced over at Kuroo, only to notice the several more people standing in the room, "Oh, my god." Akaashi covered his mouth in shock when he saw Osamu with his twin brother.

"Surprise, Keiji!" Kuroo announced as he walked over, quickly pulling him into a tight hug. It took Akaashi a minute to wrap his arms around him to reciprocate it. Kenma quickly joined him in the hug, Akaashi showering both of them in kisses they all missed. Once they pulled away, Akaashi rushed over to Osamu and Atsumu, pulling the two of them in a tight hug.

"I can't believe you're here, 'Tsumu! I'm more surprised you two haven't killed each other yet." Akaashi laughed as he pulled away, looking at the two before a voice from behind Osamu caught his attention.

"I kept them together." Suna spoke, and his soft voice made Akaashi's smile brighten, "Come here, Kei'." Akaashi paused at the nickname only Suna had given him, which brought a mix of complicated memories. As he lifted his eyes, they collided with the half-opened eyes of Rintaro Suna, who he hadn't seen since high school. He was nearly hesitant as he stepped towards Suna with open arms and his jaw dropped. The hug was way longer than the one he shared with the twins, which surprised the group.

"Rin.. I can't believe this," Akaashi pulled away, holding onto his shoulders tightly. Suna formed a small smile from the corner of his mouth, reaching a hand out and fixing Akaashi's glasses, "You're actually here."

"In flesh and blood." Akaashi let his eyes scan over Suna's face for a moment longer before the two mutually pulling away from each other's grasp.

The evening carried on slowly at first, with occasional chatter over dinner from Osamu's restaurant. Once that concluded, the evening turned into a drunken mess, the only sober ones being Osamu and Kuroo. They were practically sitting in a circle on the floor around the coffee table, Bokuto and Atsumu chatting away on the couch as Kenma sat on Akaashi's lap. He had his arm laced around his shoulder as Akaashi firmly held a grip on Kenma's thigh.

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