Chapter Four

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A glistening white light broke through the cracks in the curtains that rustled in the wind above Akaashi's bed. The air was frigid and laced with an uneasy brush. Akaashi stirred in his bed, his eyes squinted shut as to prevent the light from slipping in. He gave up denying its entry, a hand grazing his forehead to swipe away the strands of hair restlessly flipping across his face, almost in an attempt to tickle him awake. Akaashi's eyes cracked open, noticing the darkness around him, until he understood the source of the light.

The moon shone bright, almost as if it was warning him to wake up at this deranged hour. He stole a glance at the alarm clock beside his bed, indicating it was only fifteen minutes past three in the morning. A groan passed through his lips, his legs slowly swinging over the edge of his bed. His eyes seemed to adjust to his surroundings before he made his way to the bedroom door. As he reached for the door handle, his ears perked up at the sound of a door shutting at the front of his apartment. The sound sent a shiver down Akaashi's back, his feet froze in place to wait out the sound of footsteps slowly patting along his wooden floors on the other side of the door. The sound diminished, which Akaashi took as a sign it was safe to open the door to check out the sound.

As he cracked the door, the soft mumbling of voices prickled his ears as he stood still. He leaned closer to the separation of the door from the wall, listening in as to decipher the voices down the hall.

"Do you feel better?" Kenma's voice arose with a gentleness, which was the product of him just waking up. Footsteps approached the couch, then a small kiss was heard before the footsteps continued for a moment after.

"Yeah, I really needed that." Kuroo spoke softly as he headed towards the kitchen, opening the cabinet to grab a glass. He held it to the dispenser on the fridge as it poured ice cold water into it.

"I know you did," Kenma seemed to have stood up, walking over to Kuroo as he wrapped his arms around his waist, "'m so tired." Kuroo let out a soft chuckle as he turned around to lift Kenma into his arms after he set the glass quietly on the marble countertop.

"It's really early, love. You should go back to sleep." Kuroo tan a hand through the half-asleep boy in his arms, his head nestling in the crook of Kuroo's neck.

"I wish you could sleep with me, you'd enjoy it. Sleep is such.." He yawned mid sentence, "an awesome thing." Kuroo smiled as he walked to the couch, setting Kenma down beside Bokuto again. He grabbed the other blanket that was draped on the chair next to the couch, wrapping it around Kenma tightly as he planted another kiss on his forehead.

"I'm sure it is." The voices diminished into a comfortable silence, Akaashi slowly closing his door as to not make a sound that would disturb them. He exhaled a relieving breath that it was only Kuroo who walked in, but that lead him with the question of why Kuroo left in the middle of the night. Another question arose when he remembered what Kenma had said to him. Why couldn't Kuroo sleep? Akaashi figured it was insomnia and trotted to his bed once again, snuggling into the comforter that contained the warmth from his body.

It didn't take long for sleep to overtake his mind, drifting him off into the comfortable darkness behind his eyes.

The morning came with a crashing light, stinging Akaashi's eyes until they pried open once again. He almost refused to get up, until the distant voices from the living room drove his mind to stay awake. With a hand running through his hair to brush it away, he made his way down the hallway after he completed his morning routine in the bathroom. The air was cold as he walked by, silently thanking himself for bringing along the warm blanket he slept with around his shoulders.

"Good morning." Bokuto's beaming smile awoken Akaashi with how bright his eyes were, the identical eyes that drug him further into Bokuto's soul the night prior.

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