Chapter Fourteen

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Laughter and stumbling feet echoed through the hallway. Kuroo's arm was wrapped around Akaashi's waist as an attempt to hold him upright, but he was nearly full-force leaning on him. Taking longer than it should have, Kuroo finally managed to get Akaashi to his bedroom. Akaashi flopped down onto the bed the second Kuroo let him out of his grasp, watching him as he propped himself up on his elbows.

"You could come here," Akaashi playfully asked, Kuroo walking towards him until he was standing in between his legs. Akaashi placed a hand against Kuroo's cheek, his delicate finger running over it, "You're a good boy."

"You need to go to bed, I don't care how cute you're being right now." Kuroo gently took his hand away from his face, setting it down and moving Akaashi's legs so he was entirely on the bed. He took the blanket and tucked it around Akaashi's body, watching as his eyes could barely stay open.

"Don't go, I want you to lay with me," Kuroo smiled, walking around the bed until he reached the empty spot on the other side. He climbed in, sliding under the blankets until his body collided with the back of Akaashi's. With a soft gasp, he pulled away slightly when Kuroo snaked his arm around his waist, "You're so cold." He eased into the touch, leaning his head back against Kuroo's shoulder.

"If I'm too cold, do you want me to get Bokuto?" He nuzzled his face against Akaashi's neck, him groaning at the question.

"No, stay, I want you right now." Kuroo smiled, lifting his other arm to softly run his fingers through Akaashi's hair. He mumbled a few more words until he passed out the next minute.

Saturday didn't take its time coming around, in fact it was almost as if it was the next day. Akaashi was pacing the apartment, his hands clasped together while he tried to collect his thoughts. His heart couldn't help but race a million miles a minute at the thought of his parents knowing something he desperately wished they didn't. His face nearly drained entirely out of color once he heard a soft knock at the door. He spit silent curses under his breath as he hesitantly walked for the door.

"Hello, Mo- Bokuto?" Akaashi's anxiety was only driven further at the sight of Bokuto standing in his doorway with a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

"Hi 'Kaashi! I saw these while I was walking around and they reminded me of you." Bokuto sweetly handed them over, the gesture immediately calming all of his nerves until they sky-rocketed again. He took the flowers, figuring it would be rude to close the door in Bokuto's face, and grabbed his arm, harshly pulling him inside until he closed the door quickly.

"My parents are coming, they got off the train here a few minutes ago." Akaashi walked to the kitchen with an empty vase from the coffee table, filling it with water and dropping the flowers into it. He set the vase back on the coffee table.

"Why are you so stressed, it'll be okay! If you need me to, I can leave, or-."

"No, you are absolutely not leaving this apartment. They already know what you look like, so if they see you they'll know you were here for me. Just-," Another knock was placed on the door, immediately stopping Akaashi's sentence before looking at Bokuto, "Go hide!" Akaashi gave him a small shove before Bokuto rushed down the hallway, darting into his bedroom then into the closet.

Akaashi took a deep breath, walking calmly to the door as he opened it with a smile. "Hello, mother, father." He looked between them, opening the door wider so they could walk in.

"Keiji, it's lovely to see you- especially at your own place!" His mother, after removing her shoes, wrapped him in a hug and kissed his cheek- almost as if the disagreements never happened.

"It's nice seeing you, as well." Akaashi lead them to the living room, his parents sitting further away from him so they could have a proper face-to-face conversation. Tense silence overcame the three of them, until his mother spoke.

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