Chapter Twelve

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Akaashi was seated at the far end of the counter, his eyes glued to the book in front of him as he reached for his glass. Distant sounds of Osamu and a customer talking pulled him out of it when it ended. Once the customer left, he walked to the front door to lock it and turn the sign off.

"Alright, so what's goin' on?" He hopped off the chair gracefully as Akaashi turned his book upside down, spinning to his left. Osamu took a seat beside him, his elbow propping his body up.

"I need to ask you something important- like, can't tell a single soul, important." Osamu's expression became cautious at the warning, his eyebrows furrowing together.

"Hey, ya got my word." Akaashi smiled, before it quickly faded away, silence overtaking him before he found the words.

"Did my parents ever talk to you about any friends of theirs?" Osamu thought for a moment, before nodding.

"I think so. Back in high school, when I used to come over a lot, I overheard them talkin' in the kitchen about some friend of theirs. It started with a 'K', I forgot what name it was, but they didn't seem to be too found of 'em." Akaashi thought for a moment, assuming they had to be talking about Kaori.

"Does the last name 'Kozume' ring a bell of any sort?" Osamu's eyes perked up, suddenly getting a flash of memory.

"Yeah, they mentioned someone named Kozume, that's it." Akaashi stared at Osamu, leaning a bit closer in anticipation.

"Do you know anything else about the conversation you heard- or anything, for that matter, about that Kozume person?" Osamu stared back at him, smiling.

"I haven't heard anythin' else- besides, when was the last time I've been to your parents house?" Akaashi tilted his head to the side, thinking before shaking the question off, "I didn't expect to get interrogated today, what's the deal?"

"My parents have just been acting weird, I wanted to see if you knew anything," Osamu narrowed his eyes lightly, nodding slowly as he observed Akaashi take a sip of his drink. His eyes flickered from his lips to his neck once again. Osamu didn't get a good look the first time he saw the marks, but now that he did, his eyes widened slightly, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Osamu clenched the bar counter tightly, his eyes wandering to Akaashi's, "Where did those scratches come from?"

"Still nosy as ever, aren't you?" He looked at Osamu, who continued to hold the same facial expression. When he didn't say anything, Akaashi cleared his throat.

"Whoever gave ya them, must not be human." Osamu half-joked, Akaashi letting out a forced laugh as he looked around before back at Osamu.

"Funny- but, uhm, anyway, it's getting late, I'll text you later. Thank you for letting me come over." Osamu pushed a smile, Akaashi standing up and grabbing his bag off the chair beside him.

"Yeah, of course, ya better get home safe," Osamu pointed a finger, Akaashi nodding and leaning in for a hug Osamu gratefully offered. As they said their goodbyes, Osamu watched as he walked out the door, clenching his jaw with those same narrowed eyes. He removed the phone from his pocket, rushing to his contacts to find the one he was desperately searching for, "Hello, Mrs."

"'Samu, lovely to hear from you so soon." The familiar, sweet voice of Akaashi's mother rang through the phone the second he dialed it. Osamu grabbed the glass, walking towards the back of the restaurant.

"He's piecin' things together, he just came in to my shop 'n asked me if I knew anythin' about the Kozume's," The breathing halted on the other line, distantly small chatter filling in the silence before she spoke again, "I think he might believe ya if ya told 'em. Hell, I'll tell 'em for ya, if it'll help." Osamu rested against the counter after he dropped the cup in the sink, his hand running through his hair.

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