Chapter Twenty-One

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His mother paused her conversation with Bokuto as she turned the handle to the front door. "Love, we're back!" She called out towards the kitchen, her husband stepping through the doorway with a hand towel draped over his shoulder.

"Hello, Keiji," He placed a firm hand on Akaashi's back, his body tensing at the action. His gaze switched from Akaashi to the three standing by the door, "Hello again, Kenma. Are these your friends?" He looked back down at Akaashi with a smile. Akaashi nodded, introducing Bokuto and Kuroo to him as he shook both of their hands, Kuroo's handshake being just as weak as his mother's was. It left a sour feeling at the pit of Akaashi's stomach as he watched Kuroo's hope fade from his face.

"Uhm, I'm going to go help your father in the kitchen." His mother placed an uncomfortable hand on Akaashi's shoulder.

"Can I help with anything, Mrs.?" Bokuto asked and she beamed, grabbing his hand gently.

"You don't have to help but I'd love to continue our conversation!" She pulled him off into the kitchen after Akaashi's father. Akaashi let his face drop, looking at Kuroo with pitiful eyes.

"I'm so sorry they're being like this." Kuroo gave him an uncomfortable smile, allowing Akaashi to reach for his hand.

"It's okay- really." He gave Kuroo's hand a squeeze before letting go sadly. Akaashi quickly glanced at the kitchen doorway before giving Kuroo a small peck on his lips.

"I don't understand why she doesn't like you but likes me? She has history with me- well, mostly my mom." Kuroo shrugged, Kenma taking his hand as they walked towards the couch and had a seat. He let out a held-back sigh as he relaxed against the cushion.

"She might just have a thing about vampires, she might be superstitious. I, at least, need to get on her good side so she isn't out to try to kill me." Akaashi stifled a laugh, shaking his head as he looked towards the kitchen doorway to stare into space until he suddenly had an idea.

"Do you want to go to room? I haven't been in it since summer." With quick agreements, the two followed Akaashi down the hallway as their eyes lingered over the frames delicately placed along the walls. Some were pictures of the three, or just Akaashi, and some were of Akaashi's achievements throughout his life. He secretly hated having his achievements displayed like that, it always made him feel guilty because he could always try harder.

With the light twist of the handle, Akaashi swung the door open and the scent of his childhood room hit him. Everything was where it was when he left, which he appreciated. Akaashi walked to his bed, lying down on it and staring at the ceiling that saw every form of him.

"Over achiever much?" Akaashi turned his head to Kuroo as he admired the several framed academic awards he had scattered on the wall above his desk. He held a smile as Kenma sat beside Akaashi's legs.

"I guess you can say that-," Akaashi winced as a familiar paw stepped on his stomach in a weird way, his smile faltering until he realized it was just Kenma. He lifted him onto his chest, allowing Kenma to curl into a fluffy ball on top of him as he stroked his fur, "You're really adorable, but step on me like that again and I'm putting you on the floor." Kuroo choked out a laugh as he turned his head away to conceal it as Kenma quietly hissed.

"He's an asshole sometimes." Akaashi hummed as Kuroo headed towards him, taking a seat beside him. He tilted his head to the side to look at Kuroo, his other arm resting around his waist. Their silent moment of relaxation was brought to an end when Bokuto busted in, his face beaming as usual.

"Dinner's ready, guys!" Kuroo lightly picked up Kenma in his arms, Akaashi sitting up and standing. Kenma leaped from his arms and onto Akaashi's shoulder, struggling to stay on until he adjusted him.

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