Chapter Twenty-Five

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A burning sensation crawled across Akaashi's skin the moment he woke up under the raging sunlight crashing in. It brought him to surprise when he stumbled on his way to the bathroom to investigate. Following the burning was a prickling pain that felt like pins and needles shooting through his neck. Akaashi audibly gasped when he saw the intense bruise on his neck, followed by two red dots, that he can only assume were bites. His memory was foggy, which frustrated him a bit and the only thing he remembered clear was going out with Kuroo and watching him kill someone.

After beginning his morning routine, he pranced into the kitchen in hopes to find some sort of pain killer. He quietly grabbed a glass of water and opened the cabinet in the corner of the kitchen. His eyes scanned each bottle until he found the one he needed on the top shelf. With a few frustrated attempts to grab it, he huffed. His attention was brought to a figure approaching behind him and reaching up to grab the bottle.

"Good morning-." Kuroo was nearly cut off when his eyes fell upon the horrible bruise that nearly took up Akaashi's entire neck, not to mention the harsh hickeys that lined his skin. Akaashi shot him a death glare as he graciously took the bottle and opened it.

"Yeah, I just saw it, what even happened?" Kuroo was lightly taken aback from this, but in his defense, he's never taken blood from someone and let them live.

"Well, you wanted me to bite you and I did. Apparently you liked it a little too much," Kuroo smirked as he watched Akaashi down three of the pills, setting the now closed bottle on the counter, "You might have a bit of amnesia from it."

"Yeah, no kidding," Akaashi set his glass down before snaking his arm around Kuroo's waist. He pulled him in for a tight hug, and Kuroo gladly reciprocated it. Kuroo kissed the top of his boyfriends' forehead, lightly running his fingers through his hair, "I love you, Tetsu."

The nickname caused a smile to form, "I love you, too. I'm glad you're sticking with 'Tetsu', I feel special being the first one to get a nickname." Akaashi rolled his eyes, pulling away and looking up at Kuroo.

"Hey, since you love me so much," Akaashi smiled, prancing over to the island where his wallet was located and grabbing it, "You should get me coffee." Kuroo smiled at his loving boyfriend as he handed him his wallet.

"I will, but you're not paying," Akaashi dropped his loving expression, Kuroo grabbing his wallet and setting it aside, "Text me what you want." Akaashi nodded as he received a small kiss before Kuroo was out the front door. Akaashi felt so tingly inside, and maybe it was genuine love, but something about that interaction caused a slightly different emotion to flow over him. He was smiling like an idiot, even when he headed to the bathroom for a shower after texting Kuroo his order.

Once Akaashi left the shower and got dressed, he sat on the edge of the bed with his phone in his hand. He was hesitant but pressed the call button on the contact.

"Hey, Keiji, what's up?" Osamu's voice sprung a wave of tranquility to wash over him. The confirmation of his humanity brought him peace he'd been searching for since last evening.

"Oh, thank god you're alive." Akaashi's praise erupted confusion on the other line.

"Alive? Two of your boyfriends came in last night, are ya okay?" Soft clashing was heard in the background as Osamu adjusted his phone. Akaashi hummed.

"Yeah, I just had a realistic nightmare last night, I guess," His voice wandered off before quickly snapping back, "Hey, I have a question, if you have time."

"Yeah, of course I have time for ya, what is it?"

"Do you know anyone with the initials K.S. from my parents' old pack?" Osamu paused at the question, thinking before coming up with a response.

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