Chapter Two

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The cascade of ocean blue fades into an ominous charcoal black as the twinkling lights of passing light posts illuminates Akaashi's face in the midst of the night. Memories of the evening pass by his mind, replaying each word Kuroo, Bokuto or Kenma had spoken, and each laugh that was shared between them. Akaashi found himself a sense of happiness, nearly overjoyed by the looks of his new friend group. Before they parted ways, Akaashi received each of their numbers and was added to a group chat between the four.

Akaashi turned his music to a lower volume as he passed by a darkened area, a new chill- different from the breeze, crawling up his spine. His eyes frantically scanned every inch of the path in front of him before becoming engulfed in its shadow. Akaashi clutched his bag tighter around his shoulder, goosebumps covering his pale and hidden arms under his sweater.

The sound of birds chirping above him caught his attention, which quickly causing Akaashi to pause his tunes. He nearly paused his footsteps, his eyes observing the stars above him as the path between the buildings felt as if they were caving in around him. With the assumption it was just some mischievous birds, he continued his way until he spotted a minor, fluffy figure jolting towards him. He was taken aback, frantically stepping away as his heart raced, but his gaze softened when he realized it was just a lonesome cat.

Akaashi sighed as he glanced down, his breath catching up to him as he looked down at it. The beautifully multi-colored cat weaves in between his legs as Akaashi bent down to place a gentle hand upon its head, replacing its touch with soft strokes.

"No collar, are you lost?" He noticed as the cat melted into his touch, a soft purr escaping through its throat. Akaashi gave it a small smile, standing up as he kept his eyes on the cat. "If I could take you home, I would." He continued his way, until he noticed the cat following after him. He paused and looked at it once again.

"I can't bring you with me, although you're adorable." It's thin frame rubbed against his legs once again, the tail gliding around Akaashi's right leg. He took a moment before exiting the darkened alley, leaving with the same chill he had when he entered. Akaashi took a final glance behind him, expecting the cat to be in his vision, but he was brought to a feeling of disappointment when it was gone.

The key fob to the door of the apartment complex connected with the sensor as its automatic doors opened for him. His feet brought him to the elevator, which lead him walking towards his apartment door.

The mug from earlier, its contents cold by the time he approached it, was in its set place resting in the coaster on the living room coffee table. He set his bag down, grabbing the mug between his ungloved hands and bringing it to the sink to wash it.

His night was brought to an end as he rested against the couch, a few minutes after a warm shower, and with the television playing on a low volume.

Akaashi was awoken at the prime hour of eleven in the morning, the sunlight creeping through the loosely covered curtains. A groan passed through his lips, reaching for his phone with a tired grasp as the bright screen felt like daggers piercing his eyes.

Bokuto: I'm bored someone talk to me this class is boring

Kuroo: Ko you need to pay attention you can't fail

Bokuto: I know 😣 I'm not entirely in the mood to learn about the effects of dehydration rn

Kuroo: 😭😭

Kenma: both of you shut up

Kuroo: Rude, aren't you

Bokuto: exactly 😔✊🏻

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