Chapter Eight

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Familiar eyes peered open underneath the golden sunlight pouring through the curtains as Bokuto awoken from his nap. He looked over, noticing Akaashi nearly on top of his lap in his sleep as he held onto Bokuto's arm with a death grip. His arm was neatly tucked around Akaashi's slightly bare waist from his shirt lifting up from their slumber movements. Akaashi's skin was soft under Bokuto's warm touch, he held on to him a moment longer before slowly pealing himself away, replacing his body with a pillow. Bokuto grabbed a blanket, wrapping it around Akaashi as he mumbled something before remaining silent, delicate breaths leaving his slightly opened mouth. 

After he returned from the bathroom, he glanced over the several paintings hung from the walls off the hallway, following them down to the kitchen where his eyes clung onto something else. A post-it note was magnetized to the fridge, his eyes squinting to read what it said before a smile cascaded over his face when he noticed the handwriting. The lingered for a moment more before they latched onto a closed and tilted brown spiral notebook on the island with several pens and pencils drifting to the side. 

With a quick step towards it, he reached for it slowly as he opened it to observe its contents. He expected it to be a notebook from school, but several drawings caught his attention.  Bokuto flipped through the pages, admiring the intricate drawings in pencil etched into its snow-white pages. A familiar cat was drawn under a tree, it was so well drawn that he nearly assumed it was a print-out, until he noticed it was traced with black pen. The color used for the eyes was nearly identical to Kenma's, several leaves scattered around the image's background. There was another of Kenma, in his human form, sitting cross-legged on the dock where they went previously as his hair blew in the wind. His hands pressed against the wooden planks, holding himself up as he leaned backwards. 

He flipped through the pages again before stopping, noticing Kuroo imprinted on the page. The image was Kuroo standing against a wall with his head looking away as his fingers looped around his bag swung over one shoulder. Bokuto's eyes traced every detail of it, admiring how incredible it was before he continued to flip to the next page. It was a half-completed drawing of himself from behind, showing off every inch of his back muscles as his head was pointed downward, a hand running through his grey and white hair. 

His mouth nearly flew entirely open, an underlying red tint forming across his cheeks. Butterflies scattered around his stomach the further he looked; his breath caught in his throat. He continued to flip through the pages of the well-drawn, some halfway done, pictures of him and his boyfriends, until he found one of Akaashi with Kuroo, the two of them laughing as they held drinks in their hands. The background was faded into shadows, only highlighting the two of them as they sat at a bar top. He nearly audibly gasped when he saw one of two people in the kitchen, unsure of their identities due to them being hidden. One of them was sitting on the kitchen counter, hands sliding underneath the shirt of the man in front of them with their head buried in the crook of the others neck. The man in front of him held the person's waist in a tight grasp. 

His attention was stolen from the notebook, closing it as he looked over to Akaashi groaning while he slowly began to sit up from his position on the couch. Bokuto walked over, noticing the darkened tint overtaking Akaashi's sleeve. Akaashi sighed as he gently touched it, wincing as he retracted his fingers immediately and slowly pulling his sleeve back. "Is it bleeding?" Akaashi nodded with an annoyed glare, standing up as he walked to the kitchen to wash the blood off. 

"It did this the other day, I probably slept on my arm wrong," Akaashi turned the sink off and grabbed a hand towel, wrapping his arm with it as he leaned back against the counter, "There's a first-aid kit under the sink in the bathroom, can you go grab it?" Bokuto nodded, following his direction as Akaashi pushed himself back, hopping up onto the countertop as he flicked the overhead light on. 

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