Chapter Three

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The remainder of the weekend crept by as slow as it could be, for Akaashi it felt as if time took its precious time to swing by. Much like the weekend, half of the week went by and the occasional conversations, occurring every other day, between the four have progressed into every day- nearly every hour, conversations. To Akaashi's surprise, he has started enjoying the company of his new friends, each conversation giving Akaashi a reason to progress their bond more. It felt as if they've known each other for years, despite them meeting only a week ago.

From silent stares, to absorbing conversations, Kuroo and Akaashi have seemed to grow closer through every class they've seen each other; the two nearly wouldn't stop talking the entire class period on Tuesday, despite Kuroo's previous hidden worries. He came to a half-convincing conclusion, Akaashi doesn't have to know about him, and his boyfriends, but it certainly would feel wrong to not let him know at a future point. Kuroo knows himself too well to not be able to tell Akaashi if their friendship morphs into something deeper than it was before. He would just have to wait it out, until he felt like he could trust Akaashi enough to tell him the truth.

The sky cascades wonderful shades of light grey mixed with an ominous yet comforting charcoal grey as rain drops plummet to the ground. Each rain drop smacks against the windows of Akaashi's apartment, all of them gliding down as if it was a race to get to the bottom.

"I love the rain-." Akaashi glances over at Bokuto, who's breaking down in shivers under the red and black checkered blanket resting over top of his shoulders and head. "Bokuto, are you doing okay?" His pleading eyes meet Akaashi's as he nods- he was never one to show fear, unless it was storming outside. Akaashi sighs with a gentle smile, grabbing the empty tea mug in front of him and rising from his seat on the couch. "Will you be okay if I get more tea?" Bokuto gives a hesitant nod as Akaashi steps away.

"When is the rain over?" Bokuto's broken voice speaks up as Akaashi grabs the tea kettle, pouring its hot contents into his mug. With the swift motion of grabbing his phone to check, he answers a few seconds later.

"In about two hours, but it seems to be lighting up in an hour or so." Akaashi grabs his mug, his phone in the opposite hand as he makes his way back to Bokuto, a slight relief on washing over his face. "I think Kenma and Kuroo are almost here, too." The corners of Bokuto's mouth crept up into a less worried smile as he looked at Akaashi, the same gentle look in his eyes reflecting into Bokuto's. "Now, come on, let's try working on our homework until they get here, it might be a good distraction from the storm."

With a nod, Bokuto sat up and brought himself to pick up the pencil beside his opened notebook on the coffee table. Akaashi pulled his laptop into his lap, the screen open to a split screen of a half-written document and an article. With the heavy storm outside, the campus library was closed today, which put a rift in their weekly Thursday study session plans. Akaashi suggested his apartment, since it was closer to the library than theirs was. Bokuto showed up first, almost immediately after his last class, but Kenma and Kuroo decided to stop by the store to pick up some snacks for the four of them. Bokuto was in no mood to go along with them, due to the pounding thunder that made the ground feel as if it was shaking.

Gentle music of one of Akaashi's favorite artists was dimly playing in the background, as the only source of light was a standing lamp beside the end of the couch. The curtains were drawn closed, but their sheerness didn't help shield the flashes of lightening from Bokuto's sight too much. Akaashi's nimble fingers frantically typed away on the keyboard, as if he was on a time crunch- and he was. The essay he was working on was due at midnight, and it was already seven in the afternoon. The typing seemed to grab Bokuto's attention, his eyes lifting off his notebook and onto the laptop screen.

Akaashi met his gaze, then allowed his eyes to lock with the golden ones staring right back at him. "Oh, I'm sorry, am I typing too loud?" Akaashi adjusted the laptop screen back a bit as Bokuto frantically shook his head.

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