Part 2 🔞

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James going to his house and said "i don't want to see him again"

But suddenly a black car got stopped  front of him james got little scared and started walking from the other side

But suddenly some people in black suit forcely catched james and took him inside the car

James cried - please....let me go..I didn't do anything....please..

They took james to a luxurious mansion james saw and think that this house is so big who live here

They took james to a room and throw james on the floor and said "sir work is done"

James got shocked to see a person who is sitting on bed is net!

Net - good now you all can go

Bodyguards - ok sir

Net go near to james and said "i told you already when I want something I can get it in every cost"

James - why you bring me here! what do you want from me?!

Net - oh what I told you in afternoon I want to spend a night with you but my plan is changed now you're my sex slave!

James eyes get wide and said "what are you talking about!? i am not going to do anything like that"

James try to run but net grabbed his arm and throw him on the wide bed

Net - I don't want your permission I just told you

Net start kissing james roughly and pinned his both hands side of his head james cried and try to protest but he very weak

James kicked net on his chest net fell on floor james try to run but net grabbed his hair and and james groan in pain

Net look at him in anger and said "why are you making me angry haan!? you know today i was in a good mood but you spoiled everything!!"

Saying that net slapped james on his cheeks and james fell on bed and he cried "please...sir don't do...anything to me..i am begging you"

Net ( laugh) and said "i don't care about your begging"

Net ripped james shirt and started sucking on his soft pink nipples

James moaned in pain "ahh....sir.....s-stop it..."

Net don't care about him he get up and start kissing james on his lips and his tongue entered in james mouth and playing with his small tongue

Tears falling from james eyes he feeling so disgusting...

Net - your taste is so good...

Net take off james pant and his boxers

Net see james is virgin and said "oh you're a virgin don't worry baby
you are so lucky you have me in your first sex let's continue you will have know i did sex with many virgins so i have best experience.."

Net take off his own clothes and rubbing his dick to make it more hard so he can give much pain to james and he will get more pleasure too

Net put his dick on james entrance and entered inside in james only in one thrust james screamed and grabbed bedsheets "ahhh....sir... please..I...can't take it anymore...."

Net smirk and continue his work he bite james nipples and james cried in pain it's paining so much

Net doned 8-9 rounds with james between this james got unconscious but net still continued with his unconscious body......

To be continued.......

I hope you liked it and please ignore my mistakes English is not my first language❤️

And vote/comment kha...💟

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