Part 29

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After sometimes net wake up he see james is still sleeping and hugging him

Net side james and cover him with blanket and go to shower he don't wakeup james because he is tired now

Net is showering but suddenly he hears james crying,he panicked he wear his robe and came to him he see james crying loud in sleep he go to him and trying to wakeup him

Net = baby! James wake up It's me!! Your phi open your eyes!!

James opened his eyes he see net and hug him and sobbing

James = p-phi....hic...i see a bad dream...hic...i see..someone is going to hit you with flower pot..hic...and i go to save you...hic...i try to take flower pot to his hands....hic...but he throw me at wall...hic...but...i don't know what happen next...hic....

Net understand that james had dream of past when his memory got lost and he become a child and nick kidnap him and sell him to club

Net comforting james

Net = shhh...don't cry my's just a bad dream hmm no one going to hit me and no one can hit my baby and why are you crying see i am all ok you are ok too hm why my baby is crying

James = phi...hic....i don't want anyone to hit are my hubby na..phi...

Net nodded and cup his baby face and said yes i am your hubby and you are my cute wifey and no one can beat your hubby because your hubby is very strong

James smiled to listen wifey and said yes!! I am your wifey and my hubby is very strong

Net giggled to see his baby cuteness

Net said What did i do in my previous life that i got such a cute wife and kissing all over him

James giggling and said phi...stop It's tickling

Net = now get up you have to take shower

Listen shower james hiding in blanket and said Aww...phi i don't want to take shower...

Net laughing and said your are not changed

James = what you said phi?

Net = nothing now come out

James = no i don't want to take shower

Net sighed and take james in bridal style and take him bathtub and place him in tub

James = aww..phi you are not listening me

Net = no my love you are dirty you have to take shower

Net take off james clothes and showering him with shower

After that net cover james in towel and make him sit on bed then he take james clothes and dressed

James confused and asked phi...why are you dressing me i can do it myself

Then Net remembered james not kid more

Net = uh i just like to dress up my baby see you looking very cute in outfit that i choose for you

Net = uh i just like to dress up my baby see you looking very cute in outfit that i choose for you

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James smiled and nodded

Net = now let's go to hall and see what rose and rain doing for us

James smiled very cutely and nodded

They go to downstairs and see rose and rain doing something on ipad and phayu watching both of them

Net = what are you two doing

Rose see net and james she get happy and go to them

Rose = Phi! Phi! We selecting your weddiing location...what's your choice phi

Net = um...but i have to go america for a week so we can't marry now

James and everyone shocked to listen this

Rose = but why phi

Net = i have some important work there rose

Phayu = What can be important than your wedding

Rain = phi please don't go now it's your wedding

Net = but i can't marry now i have some important work i told you

Then net look at james he see james going to cry

Net = baby please understand i have some work i will be back soon

James not say anything he left net hand run to his room while crying

Net = james!!

Rose = phi! you're not changed huh! Your work is still important than him

Everyone run to james room to comfort him and net still standing in hall and tears in his eyes

To be continued.......

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