Part 27

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They all came home🏡

Net not let james walk he carried james like a baby and take him inside home

They all came in hall

James = p-phi... Now put me down i can walk m-myself...

Net = no baby.... I can't take a risk again

Rose laughing and said oh phi you are acting like a dad

Net = yes i am acting like a dad i don't want my baby in trouble anymore

They take james to his room,net make james sit on bed,james take a look of room room was filled with toys and teddys

James =p-phi why this room filled with so many toys...

Net = um....These all belong to Rose She loved playing with toys in her childhood am i right rose

Rose nodded yes phi..

Net = baby if you don't like these i tell maids to move out all of these

James shook his head as no and said no phi i really love toys and in childhood i am obsessed with toys But I didn't have money to buy

Net sit beside james caressing his cheek and said but now i will give anything you want okay baby and you love toys right there are playroom also you can play there

James gets very happy and said really phi!!! I really love toys and you have playroom also!!

But suddenly james get silent

Net asked worriedly what happen baby why you get silent

James crying and said b-but phi i don't deserve anything i am a curse if i stay with you,you again get in trouble i don't want you in trouble phi...

Net hug james and said shhh...don't cry my love you deserve everything sorry i know because of me you are saying this...but i was stupid baby that i told you that badwords you are not a curse baby you are my little angel who make me mad in love don't cry na.....

James wipe his tears and look at net and said really? I am not a curse phi..

Net = yes my love you are not you are my angel who gave me happiness all the time

Net kiss james forhead,james smiled at net and hug him

Rain = james! james!

James turn his face to rain and said ha rain

Rain = so you still like toys right?

James = yes! I like toys very much!!

Rain = This means my gift was not get
wasted,wait a minute

Rain run from the room

Everyone get confused

After 1minute rain come back

Rain = here your gift james!

Rain give a big box to james,james confused to see a big box

James = what's inside this box rain?

Rain = just open it!

James open the box there is a very big white teddy bear

James get very happy to see the teddy and hug the teddy

James said thankyou so so much rain i really love it and kiss rain cheek

Both hug eachother and rain said you know you are my bestfriend james!!

James = you are also my bestfriend now rain!!

Rose said awww...they are so cute! But two jealous souls seeing this view too,phayu or net getting jealous to see their boyfriends hugging eachother

Net = enough enough hugging is finish

Phayu = yes!!

Both take their boyfriends in their arms

Net = baby i want my kiss too

James giggled in net arms and kiss net cheek

Net = thankyou my baby is so adorable 😘😘

Net kiss james all over his face and james giggling

After sometimes

James and rain playing board game,suddenly james starting crying,everyone came in room to listen james cry

Net hug james and said baby what happened why are you crying

James said phi...hic.....i...lose in game...hic....3 times...i game....rain...hic is cheating.....

Rain = phi i didn't cheat he is lying

Phayu goes to rain whispered in his ear rain you james condition please lose in game for him....look he is crying na...

Rain nodded and said sorry james i cheated let's play again ok

James nodded they play again this time james win the game

James get happy and clapping yeah!!i win this time phi...look i win the game...

Net smile and hug his baby and kiss his forhead that's so good baby you are really great in this game

James smiled and stand up quickly

Net get confused

James =phi.....

Net also stand up and said yes baby what happened

James = i want to....say something to you.....

Net = yes tell my baby

James getting blushed and said i-i like you phi...i love you....sorry for keep you waiting

Net smiled and hug james,james get confused but then net kiss james front of everyone james get shocked but didn't break the kiss net kissing james passionately after sometime net broke the kiss and cups james face and said i am really very happy baby and i love you too my love...and you don't have sorry i know this very big decision for you but i try to make you comfortable in our relationship

listening this james get very happy tears come from his eyes and said thankyou so much for loving me phi i never thought that someone will love me like this and care about me thankyou so much phi...

They both are very happy

Rose = i am so happy i am going to plan a best wedding for you both

Rain = i am also coming rose!!!

Rose and rain go outside for planning wedding

Phayu = i am also going you too enjoy your time and net not too rough okay..

Net smiled and james get blushed,and phayu go behind rain and rose

To be continued.......


Hope you like it cuties💕
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See you in next chapter❤

And i made my 2nd story (omega version)

Who don't read my 2nd story go and check on my profile

Name "save me!"

Name "save me!"

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