Part 8

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Everyone eat their breakfast

James eat fast and get ready for school I don't want you to be late rose said

James confused and ask
School ?

Yeah james you don't want continue your studies I promise You I take your responsibility

James happy and say thankyou very much rose I really want to study hard and want to be an architecture

Rose said I want to my little brother

Suddenly net said in your dreams while eating

James sad to hear this

Phiiiii Rose shout and smacked on net head

Net = what?? I said true

James = yes..rose phi said true...I can't be architecture

James controlling his tear but he can't

Don't cry james it's not true Don't listen to him he always like that rose said

James going to his room quietly while crying

P'netttttt are you mad why you made james cry he want to his dream get true he happy but you ruin everything....
Rose said

Net = I said true he can't why are you supporting him I know he can't do anything

Shut up and don't talk to me again I angry with you I am going to james he crying because of you rose said and going to james


James crying in his room loudly

Rose came to him and sat beside him and said james baby shhhh.... don't cry you can do anything don't listen to phi you definitely be a architecture

James cried = no...rose I can't be phi said true...

Rose = james it's not true
You can do it don't listen to him he is stupid

James = really....can I ?

Rose = of course and don't cry let's get ready I will drop you ok?

James nodded cutely and wipe his tears

I am ready james said

Good Let's go rose said

Net see rose and james he ask where are you going both

Rose don't answer his question and take james to her car

While rose driving
James ask why you don't answer when P'net ask you

Rose said = I am not talking to him he makes you cry

James = but...he is your brother

Rose = you are my brother too and I can't see tear in your eyes

James nodded and don't ask anything

Rose drop james to school and go to home

James going to his class

After classes finish

James going out from school but suddenly some boys stand front of him

Boy 1= where are you going babee...

Boy 2 = want us to go with you

James = sorry but don't want please side I want to go

Boy 3 = oh...why we make sure you have fun with us

James = please side i don't want

Boy 2 = we ask you gently but you are stubborn said he force james to go with them

James cried = please.... someone help...

( Sorry for short story I have work so I can't write long but next time I try to write long❤️)

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Update soon 🔜

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