Part 25

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Everyone goes to james ward to see him,net see james still unconscious he looks like a little baby net sit beside james everyone here standing and seeing both of them

Net = Sorry my angel...for make your condition like this but now your phi never let you go away for me...

Net kiss james forhead,everyone smiling to see this cute scene

suddenly net see james is getting conscious net is very happy

Net = james is getting conscious!!!

James open his eyes but he didn't see clear who is infront of him he rub his eyes and see the person is net infront of him he get scared and shouting

James = don't do anything to me.....please.....

James get up and hide in corner and crying or begging

Everyone get confused net thought he scared of that owner in club he get up from chair and going to james to console him but when he go near to him james shouting more and crying loudly

James cried ='t come near me...s-sir i-i promise i never come in your life please spare me....don't beat me na....😭😭😭

Net heartbroke when he realise james memory is back now and he scared of him he see fear in his little eyes begging him to don't do anything to him

Rose go to james and hug and said baby why are you afraiding of loves you baby why are you afraiding....

James = no no...don't come near me rose...i-i am a curse i-i already made your life hell....please d-don't come near me....

Rose shocked to hear this and said baby why are you saying are not a curse and you never made my life hell why are you saying this

James cried and said phi no i mean s-sir said right i am a curse i am not able for anyone love...i want to die rose...Please kill me..i don't want to live anymore...😭

Now everyone understand that james memory is back now...

Tear come from net eyes to see james like this afraiding from him afraid to call him phi and saying sir called himself a curse don't want to live anymore just because of him

Net = james...Please forgive me please...i know i do very wrong you are not a curse baby your phi is wrong please forgive me na...and don't call me sir baby i am your phi...

Net going to near james to hug him but james getting more panicked to see net coming near to him

James =no-no please sir...don't come p-please...plea---

James unconscious again everyone get worried phayu called Doctor to see him

everyone came outside waiting for Doctor to come afer 10 min doctor came and said reason of he getting unconscious again is he panicked and get very afraid to see something so please check that he not get panicked and one more important thing please give him some love i see some more cases that people not get any love from their childhood and in this condition person easily break mentally and physically so please take care of him very well...

Saying that doctor left

Everyone look at net who crying and sitting on bench

Rose came to him

Rose = phi...

Net = don't say anything rose i am very bad...i made james like this,that's all my fault😭

Rose = phi..i know you made mistake but now you have to fix your mistake take care of james very well and make him believe that he not a curse and gave him love that he want phi...i know you can do it phi...

Phayu = you can do it we are always support you..

Rain = yes p'net go make your james yours you can do it!!

Net look at them with teary eyes and said really??

Everyone said YES YOU CAN DO IT!!

Net smiled and hug all of them = thankyou everyone for support me

To be continued......

Happy diwali all of you my cuties..❤🎇🎆🧿🪔
Diwali is a big festival of india🇮🇳 ❤💗 love you all....

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