Part 9

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James cried = someone... help please... phi...rose....

Boy 1 said why are you so stubborn go with us and slap him

James cried = I don't want to go..... please

Suddenly someone grab boy 1 collar and punch him

James look at him he is net

Net = he don't want to go why you force him

Boy 2 = why are you worried are you his boyfriend?

Net = yess and go otherwise I kill you

They afriad of net run away

Net come near to james

Are you ok? Net said

James just nodded in yes

Net carry james and sit him in car

Net driving

James said thanks phi for save me

Net = no thanks you're my sex slave I don't want anyone to touch you

James silent

After 5 minutes

James ask phi why are you come to pick up me?

Net = rose said me to pick up you from school and when I reached i see some bastard tried to force you and if anything happen to you rose kill me

James didn't say anything just nodded
And thinking when net said he is my boyfriend and smiling

They reached home 🏡

Finally you come!!rose said and hug james also hug him

How is your day it's fun rose said

Khub rose it's very fun james said happily

Net said some boys tried to force him when I reached but I save him you should thank me

What!!! Are you ok james it's hurt anywhere rose said

I am fine rose phi save me and they are gone james said

Rose = oh thank god finally phi do one good thing in his life

What are you trying to say I never do anything good net said and pout

Rose = YES!! And laugh

James laugh to see net pout and everyone go to his room

James take a bath and wear clothes

Then he go rose room because he bored

He entered her room he see rose is talking to someone and crying

Rose cut his call and turned
She see james is standing and wipe his tears and smile

Why are you standing there james come rose said

James = why are you crying rose

Rose = uhh...nothing.....I just miss my girlfriend

James = ohh sorry I disturb you

Rose = don't say sorry you come anytime you want I am free for you

James said khab and hug rose
Rose also hug him and kiss him to his forehead

Rose = uhh...james I want to say something to you

James = yeah say rose

Rose = uhh.....I.......

to be Continued...

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