Part 6

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James...Are you ready rose said

Khab rose James said

Rose = why are you still wearing this change this we are going

James = but I don't have wear now....

Rose = ohh I am so stupid I forgot we are going to buy clothes wait a minute

Rose run to his room and take a box from his closet and go back to james

Wear this I bought this for P'net but I know he will never wear this rose said

James = but how can I wear this you bought it for P'net

Rose = aww...james he don't wear this type of clothes and you also my little brother now I gave this to you wear

James crying

Rose = hey hey why are you crying did I say something wrong sorry baby please don't cry

James = no.... don't...hic...say ..hic something wrong..
hic...I cried... because I don't have family....hic...I don't have siblings and friends.... hic people always said...hic I am curse for him.... whenever I stay with someone...hic...they get problems... hic

Rose = shhhh.... don't cry they say worng you're not a curse you're a very cute angel you know I really wanted little sister and brother but I don't have I got you now you're my little brother and I am your sister you're not alone me and P'net there for you we are your family

James = but phi don't he hurt me he forced me...

Rose = I know he do wrong but he don't do it again i think he loves you

James = whattt I don't think rose..

Rose = but I think he loves you when I said him to say sorry to you he hesitate one time but he really said I know Phi doesn't say sorry to anyone expect me even he don't listen to me to sorry someone but he said to you and he shy when you call him phi

James = you really think

Rose = yeah and you ? You loves him too

James = no I don't love him

Rose = it's okay I don't force you.. now get ready baby we're getting late...

James = khab...

James going to bathroom to change

After 10 mins

Rose how I look james said

Rose = wow james you're looking very very cute wait a minute I will take photo

Rose = wow james you're looking very very cute wait a minute I will take photo

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Rose clicked james photos

Rose = LETS GO......

Rose or james come to mall

James tell me what kind of clothes you want

James = likes..rose

Rose = aww...james we here to buy clothes for you not me

James = umm...then cute and comfy

Rose = your choice is good

They went to cute and comfy section

Rose bought many outfits for james

James = I think this suits on phi net

Rose = want to buy this for phi ( teasing tone )

James = don't tease me na......

Rose laugh ok ok let's buy this i really wanted to see phi reaction on his wife choice

James = rose.....

Rose laugh sorry sorry

They reached home

Net sitting on sofa

P'netttttt............ Rose shout

She hug net net also hug him

Net = why are you shouting my name little tiger

Rose = this is my style to call name clever fox

Both laugh

Rose = james... Why are you standing there come come

Rose drag james to net

Rose = phi phi...

Net = yes little tiger

Rose = james buy a dress for you

Net = he buy for me??

Rose = yeah see he care about you but you hurt him ( pouted )

Net see james who looking down not dare see net

Net = james...

James shocked to here his name from net mouth

James = khab.......phi...( Still looking down )

Net = look at me please..

James up his head and looking at him

Net = you don't want to give what you buy for me

James nodded and show dress to him

Rose = P'net please try this we want to see you in this dress

James want too net said

Rose = james say yes

James nodded

Ok I am going to change

After 15 mins net come

Whoooooo phi you looking very handsome rose said

James see net he can't off his eyes from net he looking very handsome and hot

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Soon 🔜

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