Part 19

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In hotel~

James laying in bed and crying,sobbing his body hurting so much because of nick

James - p-phi...come na....J-james in pain.....p-please...i-i don't know...w-what bad phi d-do to me....b-but it's's hurting so much....m-my paining

Nick laugh and said baby there is no benefit from calling him i know he is coming here i already saw your phone in your pocket and i know he already traced your location or when he came you won't be here Cause I'll send you to a place where you'll get this pain every night and no one can find you!!

James crying calling his phi for save him

Nick call his boys and said take him and you know what you have to do don't get caught

Boys nodded nick take injection inject in james so he will unconscious,they tied james hand,legs and cover his mouth with cloth

They take him in a black car and go away

Nick is sitting in room waiting for net to came

After sometimes net & everyone came to room

Net break the door and go inside & see a person sitting in sofa and smirk in his face net grab his collar and ask

Net = where is james i know you do something who are you where is james!!

Nick = why i tell you huh?!?! And you Forget me huh

Net = i don't know who are you tell me what did you do to james where is he???

Nick = i am nick the boy in mall you remember you beat both of us but you didn't satisfy because of you my brother in hospital

Net remembered when he & james finding rose he messaged his bodyguards to handle both of them

Net = but It's both you mistake you forced james

Nick = so? I know you also done same things before and you can't find james

Net get very angry and punching him continuously

Rose,phayu,rain also came phayu stop net

Phayu = are you mad. He will die ask him where is james

Net nodded and ask tell me where is james and i kill you!!

Nick laugh and said Even if I told you, you wouldn't be able to find him. I send him in that type of place where he have to sex with many people everyday everynight everyhour he will never get a time to rest and by the way his taste is very good i want to taste again

Net eyes widened he gets very angry and said y-you forced him? Huh? YOU FORCED HIM BLOODY FUCKER???

And punch very hard net take his gun going to shoot him but rose stopped him

Rose = phi!! What are you doing there is no benefit to kill him let's go to find him

Net nodded they turn to go suddenly nick phone is ringing

Net take a call

Boy = nick we are close to your Private jet once we leave this country no one can find us and james and we will have a very good deal with this slim & perfect body

Net stunned tears come from his eyes

Phayu = who is he net what he said

Rose = phi what happened

Net = we have to go phayu traced this number hurry once they leave country we lose james come in car now!!!

Everyone sit in car phayu traced the number and tell location to net


Here james slowly open his eyes and see his hand legs is tied and mouth also

James moving and try to say something "

Boy see and immediately inject a injection in his body,james again get unconscious

To be continued.....


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