Part 31

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At morning

Net standing at gate to going america

Everyone here to say him bye and james crying and hugging his phi

James cried = phi!! please come soon na.....

Net kiss his forhead and said ok my love i will come very very soon okay!!

James nodded

Net peck on james lips and said bye to everyone and leave for america

James getting very sad

Rose = oh james don't get sad baby umm....yes you want to go water park

James smiled and said yes yes i want go!!

Everyone take james to waterpark

After some hours net reached america

Net go to forest there are a wooden cabin

Net open the door and see phai sitting on sofa

Net = where are they both?

Phai = in basement i already do many things to them and please not too loud i wanna watch tv

Net nodded and go to basement and nick and that owner hanging on walls by hands and their clothes torned cuts wounds burn marks......

They see net and scared

Nick = n-net please let we go i promise i never do that again

Net go to nick and slap him tightly and grabbed his collar and shout you separate me and james from 6 months you sell him to club making him do such things that he even don't know about!!!

Nick = W-What are you saying n-net h-he is don't know about that things?

Net = he lost all memory 1 year ago and became a 7 year old child and you do that to himmm!!!!!

Net let go nick collar and go to owner

Net = you beat my james making him that feared he scared of seeing you earning money to make people do that such shit things!!

Net slapped him

Net go outside and come with a current wires

They get scared to see that

Net = you have to pay for it!!

Net start giving both of them current with current wires

They screaming and begging net stop but net laughing to all of this he want to give them that pain he give to james

After Sometimes he stop

He take a belt and start beating them continuously their body is still shaking because of current and now net beating them with belt

After Sometimes he stop,and see both of them in pain

He take cold water bucket and pour of them

They start shivering and begging him to leave and net laughing just

Phai come and said whoaaa! Hey net you want to kill them that's enough

Net look at him and said i want to kill them but i don't want scared my baby and after one week i am going to send them to police and i will torture them everyday

Phai = dear net!!

And 1 week net continuously torturing them and after 1 week he send them to police

Net = okay phai i am going take care

Phai = okay by bro

Net sit in his flight and thinking

I am coming my baby i am coming to marry you my love

Net came infront of his home gate

He go inside and seeing everyone is not here he go to james room and see james is sleeping

He go to him and sat beside him and caressing his hair

Net = wake up my little baby and see who is here

James getting disturb he open his eyes a little and said who....phi you are here

Net = yes i am here my baby

James = but let me sleep first we will talk later

Saying that james trying to sleep

Net suprised that his baby want to continue his sleep above of meet his boyfriend

Net = baby don't want to meet me now and want to sleep first

James nodded in sleep

Net smiled and start kissing on his cheek

Net = wake up my cutie if you don't i will not stop

Net continuously kissing james on his cheek

James wake up and hug net

James = phi...i miss you so much!

Net = i miss you too my baby you know your phi is missing you everyday

James = but now you came and you promised me that when you came we will marry na...

Net smiled and said of course my love and where is rose?

James = she is sleeping in her room

Net = okay when she wakeup i will tell her we are going to marry tomorrow

James = tomorrow phi!

Net = yes i want to marry my baby soon

James get very happy and start jumping on bed

James = yeah!yeah! Phi want to marry me we will going to marry tomorrow!!!

Net smiling to his cuteness

To be continued........

In Next part netjames going to married🥳🥳 are you happy? Tell me in comments and married part is going to be a last part of this story💖❤

B-bye see you....💗

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