Part 10

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Rose = James..I want to say something to you

James = yeah say rose

Rose = uhh...I...

James = I...

Rose = I...I will go back America tomorrow morning

James shocked

James = whattt but why

Rose = uh... my girlfriend mia call me...she have work she confused she want me to come and help her...

James = but...I don't want you go..

Rose = I also don't want to go james but it's urgent if I not go there she will got in problem

Tears falling from james eyes have work james said

Rose hug him tight and said don't cry james please na..I don't want to see you cry I will go and come back fast ok

James nodded but still crying

Rose = james

James = hmm...

Rose = you afraid of phi am I right?

James nodded

James look at me rose said

James look at him
Rose = he don't do anything why are you afraid of him I told you he don't do again na..

James nodded and smile
(Fake smile)

Rose = that's a good boy now don't cry again I will go do my work fast
And come to you ok

James = khab..rose please do your work fast

Rose = yes i do I also want to see my little brother everyday

Rose hug james james also hug him
(James think if rose go back phi again do with me huh it's okay I think I am bad so I deserve this)

Rose = by the way you are here to want to play with me

James = Khab I am I come here

Rose = okay baby what you want to play

James = umm...I want to play blindfold game

Rose = okay baby let's go to hall there are big space to play this

James = okay...

{ Rose and james in hall }

I want to blindfold first james said

Rose = ok

Rose blind fold james with scarf

Rose = come come james catch me I am there

James = where are you rose

Rose = here here

Net come and see james blindfold

Net = what are you two doing

James come to this voice and bumped on net

James = ouch...

James is top of net

James touch his face with hands

James = rose is you..

Net see james looking pretty in blindfold too

James = rose is you...

Rose come

Rose = no james is not me open this scarf and see who is it

James open his blindfold and see net and he is top of him

James get up

James = sorry...phi I don't know is you

Net = back you should careful

James = sorry...

Rose = Don't say sorry phi you should careful his eyes are closed how he see you but your is open it's not his mistake

Net = okay okay it's my

Rose =yes it's your come on james let's have dinner

Everyone on dinning table

Rose = I am going back America Tomorrow morning

Net = oh really but it's fast

Rose = I know but mia wants my help so I have no choice and you if you do anything to james I kill you

Net = Don't worry I am not do anything am I right james

Net look at james and smirk

James scared and said khab phi

Everyone eat dinner and went to rooms

James in his room

Tomorrow rose going back and I james said and crying

Please god help me I am not want to happen again to me james said

James sleep while crying

Morning 🌄

At door

Net = be careful my little tiger

Rose = yeah phi and hug net

James = bye rose I miss you lot and hug rose

Rose = aww..bye my cutiepie I also miss you I come back soon okay and phi don't do anything

Net = khab now you go

Rose sit in car and leave the house

Net turn on james

Net = so you know what you have to do

James no reaction and said khab phi

Net = let's go to my room

Both in net room

Net close the door and said take off your shirt and lay down on bed

James take off his shirt and lay down on bed

Net take off his own shirt and sit top of james

Net said now no-one can save you from me and touching james body to his hands

James no reaction he just pray for God to save him

Net going to kiss james

To be continued....

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