Part 30

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In room

James crying loudly everyone try to clam him

Rose = james...don't cry na...

James = phi...don't love me...😭

Phayu = it's not like that james

Rain = james i will talk to phi but please don't cry na..

James still crying loudly after sometime Suddenly james taking heavy breaths

Everyone panicked

Rose = james james what happen!!

Phayu = james...are you ok!

Rain = james why are you taking heavy breath?!?

James = haaaa...phi...phi...haaa...don't leave me alone...haaa...hhaaa

Saying that james faint

Everyone get worried they trying to wakeup james Hearing noises net came to room

Net = what happen!

Rose = phi!!! James is faint!!

Net paincked to listen this he run to him and trying him to wakeup

Net = james!! Baby!! Open your eyes!! Baby please!!

Net crying to see james like this he shout at them

Net = why are you all standing!! Call Doctor now!!!

Phayu called doctor

After 10 min doctor came
Doctor check up james and give him injection

Doctor said to net = he faint because crying and think about something very deeply and It's not good for his health,he is already little depressed mentally so please take care of him well,i already gave him injection and these are some medicines gave him when he wake up

Doctor left

Net looking james tears in his eyes

Rose = phi...are you really going america

Net sighed and said yes i am going tomorrow but not for work i am going to take revenge

Everyone said = revenge!!

Net = yeah nick and the owner of that club when nick send james there my heart break in two pieces then i made my mind to take revenge i already catch nick and locked him in my secret place and when i was not come home i go to the that place and torture him like hell!! And that owner i also catch him too and i send nick to my secret place in america already and i want to take revenge from both of them they separate me and james from 6months and i am not let them go easily!!

Everyone shocked to listen this

Rose = phi!! Are you a psycho!! You can gave them to police but you want to kill them

Net = they made me psycho! And i am not going to kill them because i don't want to scared james

Phayu = but it's not good idea net you have to gave them to police

Rain = yes phi! It's not good idea

Net thinks something and said fine i will gave them to police but i want to torture him like they did to my james

Rose sighed and said okay phi but only one time you can go we will take care james here

Net nodded amd said thank you everyone and now you go outside i want to make up with my baby

Everyone smiled and go outside

Net go to james and sat beside him and caressing his hair

James disturbed in his sleep he wake up and see net

He turn his head other side arm crossing

Net = baby...don't mad at me na...i am sorry but i have to go tomorrow

James start crying

Net = baby...don't cry na i promise i will come soon

James = phi don't love james....phi don't want to marry me...

Net hug james and said no baby i want to marry you but i have some work na...i promise when i come we will marry and i will video call you everyday okay don't cry na....

James wipe his tears and said really you will marry me phi...

Net = yes i will marry my baby when i come okay

James nodded

Net = now smile i want to see my baby's cute smile

James smile at net and net hug him tightly and peck on his lips

Net = you are so adorable my love💗

James giggled

Net = now let's sleep i have to go early tomorrow

James nodded and hug net while sleep,net also hug him and kiss on his forhead

Net thinking sorry baby for make you cry but i want to teach them a lesson then i will come and marry you...

To be continued....

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