Part 22

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Boys done their work and get up from the bed

Boy1 = Wow!!his taste very sweet i like it very much

Boy2 = yeah i really like his juicy lips

Boy3 not stop yet he still sucking james nipples

Boy1 = hey! you get up we don't have much money to spend 1hour more his price is very expensive 50k per person for just 1 hour

Boy3 = shit i really want 5 more hours and why he is so expensive there are others boys and girls in this club their price is only 5k ya 10k

Boy2 =i heard that because of his body club owner buy him for 1 lakh and because of him club become more famous so that's why his price is expensive

Boy3 = huhh!! Fine let's go then

Boys left the room

James sobbing in bed his body hurting so much his legs become numb

James = t-there are still time for 1am

James get up from bed with difficulty

He wear his dress again and serving drinks again and different different people take him to room for 1 hour again and again

At flight ✈

Net talking someone in phone

Net = you are sure about this

He = yeah i am really sure i got that information there have a person who look like james

Net = okay first you go and check then call me i'll come there too

He = Okay i am going to check

Net = wait wait!!

He = yes what now!

Net = what type of place you think james there

He = that place is a luxurious underground hookup club there the owner buy girls & boys from different countries and they will forced them to serve drinks,let people touch them,sex for earn money that's why that place is luxurious and underground so police can't catch them

Hearing this, tears started flowing from Net eyes

Net = i-if james is there,h-he have a brain of child he can't understand these things if they forced him he is crying for me ,h-he is crying for his phi to come save him,he was in pain...he saying that phi come and save your no...i don't want him to that pain...

He = Net net...calm down We still don't know if it's James or not

Net = but that bastard nick said he send him in that type of place

He = first you came here then i go and check then i call you he is james or not okay...

Net = hmm..okay i'll come

Net sit in his flight and going to america

James i hope you are there if anyone do these things to you i kill all of them

After done his work James going to his room he opened the door and fell on bed he is very tired he don't have more energy to do work again

James = i-i am hungry when food came

Door open and someone came with a plate

Man = take your food bitch!!

Man put plate on desk and locked the door from outside

James get up slowly and take his food
He sat on floor and take his teddy out his plate have only 1 piece of bread and half glass of milk

James = i am so hungry fluffy but they gave me only that they only gave me food at night when my work is done

James eat slowly slowly after eating james sat on bed he take a paper & pen and starting writing something

He wrote

God please send phi to save me...and beat those bad people who hurt me everyday and one more thing i see there are lots of people who like me those bad people beat them too i don't want go from here alone i also want to help those people please god make my this wish true...

James done writing and fold the paper and put under of his pillow

James = i heard that when someone write his wish and put under his pillow so god make his wish true i am also trying this please god make my this wish true na.....

James joined her hands and pleading to god to make his wish true

Next morning james wakeup at 6am

Man come and gave him dress and said you bitch!!take this dress today we send you to VIP room so do makeup perfectly and obey everything they say understand!!!

James nodded in fear

After man left james said w-what's meaning of VIP and Ewww.....this dress is so different from my other dresses

this dress is so different from my other dresses

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B-but i don't have any choice...

James wear the dress and go to VIP room

Boy1 = oh wow guys see this item i really want to taste him

Boy2 = oh my guys.....what are we waiting for let's go...

One boy get up and touching james body james close his eyes because he don't want to see this...

But suddenly someone grab his hand and punch him hard

James open his eyes his eyes filled with tears and he said


To be continued.....

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