Part 20

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They all reach to location

Net get out of car and see a black car standing there ,net go to check on the car but car is empty he see a pieces of james cloth

Net run here and there to find james

Rose,phayu,rain get down to car

suddenly net get a call

Phayu = put on speaker

Net nodded and take a call

Net = hello!!

Nick = do you find your james

Net = you!!bastard tell me where is he now!!OTHERWISE I KILL YOU!!!

Nick laugh and said too late net...too late.....just look up you see a jet there is james and you will never find him now and he will just being a everyone's good slut... Bye net i am going to celebrate my victory

Nick cut the call

Everyone there standing stunned

Net look up and see jet,he fell on his knees and crying his heart

Everyone came to him and comfort him rose hug him she also crying

Rose = phi...please don't cry na....we will find james soon...he will in your arms then you don't let him go anywhere please don't cry

Phayu = don't cry we will do our best to find him

Rain crying and said phi...don't cry na...i am sorry this is my mistake....please don't cry na..


net cried his heart out Everyone try to console him

After six months....

After james missing
Net is not same net that he is for james

He doesn't eat properly doesn't spend his time with rose,phayu,rain he keeps himself busy in work sometimes he doesn't come home and when he came he doesn't eat anything he just go to james room and locked himself there

whole home become a house just a house rose trying talk with net but he doesn't talk to anyone phayu everyday tried to find to james rose, rain also help him

And Net always talk with someone in call but no one know who is he...🖤

At U.S.A 🇺🇸

A very luxurious underground hookup club

Many people going to club for hookup

In clubs bedroom

A boy crying in corner hugging his knees

Boy said = i-its 6-6am i don't want do that again.... P-please phi c-come na.....

Yes it's james!!!

He took out a teddy from under his bed

James = f-fluffy i don't want to do that things again...but they didn't listen to me they beat me if i don' know they forced me to wear short d-dresses james don't like it and from 7-7am to 1am i have to serve drinks and everyone touches me...james don't like it...and every hour different different person come and do something to me like bad phi do its very p-painful f-fluffy

James crying and talking to his teddy (fluffy)

James = i am Really happy that i found you fluffy i see you at dustbin and i don't have anyone to talk so i took you from dustbin fluffy

James = you know fluffy i have a best phi but he is not there...but i know he will come and save me and beat those people who beat me everyday...and i will introduce you to him he is my best phi he never do these type of things and never beat me fluffy...

James talking while someone open the door

James shivering to door opening he quickly hide his teddy under his bed

A man = hey!you bitch take this dress and do makeup properly... At 7:00 come down and do your fucking job bitch!!

Man closed the door

James crying and said phi....please come just want you phi....

To be continued.......

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