Part 13

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Net = Rose i know this is not a good time to talk about that incident but how can i forgot about that....

Rose = phi Please don't talk about that here

Net = ok rose i don't talk here but Please when we reach home talk with me i want to talk to you...

Rose silent

Net = rose Please......

Rose said loudly Fine.....we talk later at home

Net = thank you very much rose for give me a chance

Rose not say anything ,suddenly a nurse came to them

Nurse = are you mister net or ms. rose

Net and rose said = yes we are

Net = what happened

Nurse = mister James is crying he said he want his phi and rose

Rose = oh how can i forgot that he gonna cry when he not see us after wake up

Net & Rose go to james

James is crying loud and Nurse trying to calm him

Net and rose reached to james

Net = baby..why are you crying

James look up to see rose and net

Rose = baby we are here don't cry na...

James = phi...rose..where have you both know i want to see phi and you after wake up

Net = sorry angel we have a important work

James = and...why we are in hospital

Rose = you said you want a giant pink teddy so..we discussing about that

James = really.....!!!! Rose you agree to my buy my teddy

Rose = why i not agree i will give whatever my baby want

James = yeah!!! James is so happy...phi see rose said she is agree to buy me teddy...yeah!!!!

Net = my baby is happy so i am also happy

James = wait wait..phi you don't tell me why i am in hospital

Net = uh...because....

Net don't know what should he say to james suddenly rose said

Rose = because Doctor want to see you

James = why Doctor want to see me?

Rose = because there is a virus who only attack on babies

James = vi--viee---vir--us virus means

Rose = virus is little little monster who go in your tummy and make you sick then you can't play can't eat chocolates then you only have to eat vegetables

really?? they are in my tummy now james said and touch his tummy

James = rose...phi...i don't want to get sick and don't want to vegetables they are bitter...phi do something...

Rose = don't worry baby Doctor gave you medicine when you are sleeping now monsters can't hurt you

James = ohh yes... thank you to doctor uncle to save me from monster !!!

Net smile to rose that how she handle james he love his sister and james most in the world

Rose = james now let's go home i have suprise for you..

James = suprise for me!!! Yeah i am excited!!!

(They all reached home..)

James = rose..where is my suprise

Rose = let's go upstairs baby

They go upstairs and stop at a old room

James = rose this room is dirty you scold me when i played here

oh i know that day james is play here without telling us and got all the dust over himself and rose scold you about that then i take you to bath and you crying loud you don't want to take bath only i know how i manage you to take bath Net said and laugh

James = don't laugh at me phi it's because you both don't play with me

Rose = aww..sorry baby now don't be sad let's see your suprise

Rose open the door of old room

Wow!!!!rose how you do that yeahhhhhh!!! James said and jumping

Rose = you want that teddy but i know that not fit in your room so when your run away from me so i call guards to make this room to your play room

Rose = you want that teddy but i know that not fit in your room so when your run away from me so i call guards to make this room to your play room

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James = yeahhh thank you....rose for this i love you so much.....

Rose = i Love you too baby now you play me and your phi have some work

okay but don't fight james said and playing in her new playroom

Rose and net go to net room to talk

To be continued......

Sorry guys i don't tell anything about that incident but i want to my cute james to be more cute before that so in next chapter i write about that incident ❤❤

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