Part 23

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James crying finally his phi come to save him

James hug net and crying

James = phi....finally you came to s-save me....

Net = yes my angel don't cry i am here na forgive your phi to take so much time

James = don't say sorry phi i already know that you will come to save your james and you came phi...

Net smile and kiss james forhead

Net see james condition he looks so thin and he is uncomfortable in dress,red marks in cheek and some bruises

Net get very angry to see james like that

Net = they hurt you my baby don't worry phi will kill all of them

Net remove his coat and covered james with it

Boy1 = hey who are you get out!! How dare you to punch my friend and this slut is mi-----

Net didn't let him finish his sentence and punch him

Net grab his collar and said how dare you to call him slut!!!

Boy1 = i pay 5 lakhs for night with him with my Friends!! Why are you disturbing us huh!?!

suddenly owner came with his guards

James get scared to see them he ran to net hide behind him

Owner = what the hell going on here

Boy1 = hey!!you owner did I pay 5 lakhs to see all this we are going and i will report to your club for this type of service

Boys gone with angry faces

Owner gets angry for his big loss he goes to james and said hey!!you Uea come

Net see james behind tightly grabbing net shirt shaking his head in no he see fear in james eyes

James said in fear =p-phi p-please..... don't give me to them t-they will beat me...please phi i don't want to go with them....

Net heart his break to see james like this begging him to don't give him to them

Net caress james hair and said d-don't scared baby phi will never give you to anyone no one can touch my baby now.....

Owner = hey who are you side because of you and this bitch i had a big loss guards catch him

guards goes to catch net

Net grab one guard hand and throw him on floor then he kick another guard net fighting with each guard come

Then see all of this owner get very angry he go to net beating him but net is not weak he grab his leg throw him on floor and punching him continuously and said HOW DARE YOY CALL HIM BITCH!!!HOW DARE YOU TO BEAT HIM....HOW DARE YOU TO TREAT HIM LIKE THIS!!!!!!!

Net beating him continuously but one guard grab flower pot and going behind net to hit him

James see this he ran to the guard and try to take flower pot from his hand but guard don't give him he throw james on wall

James head hit the wall james fell on floor blood continuously come from his head

heard the sound net turn he see james laying on floor with blood continuously come from his head he see the guard there he left the owner and punch guard he fell on floor and then he go to james blood come continuously

Tears come from net eyes

Net = james...james...don't close eyes okay you will be okay na baby don't close your eyes...

James saying something in this state

"P-Phi......please s-save the all people here t-there are more people l-like me p-please save him too phi....p-please....
they beat them too....p-phi...p-please...
s-save them too...please....please....ple-"

Saying this james closed his eyes

Net shout =JAMESSSS!?!??!?!

To be continued......

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