Part 7

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Whoooooooo P'net you looking very handsome

James see net he can't off his eyes from net he is looking so handsome and hot

James see net he can't off his eyes from net he is looking so handsome and hot

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Net = james what are you looking at

James back to his senses

James = nothing...phi...

Net = am I looking good or not ?

James in excitement said you looking very handsome phi.....

Net silent

James think
Oh james why you said this I am so scared...

Net = thank you for compliment

James blushing to hear thankyou from net

Rose = james why are you so red you have fever ?

James = no no no.. i am ok

Rose = so why are you re ohh you're blushing to hear thankyou from net huh? (Teasing tone)

James =

Rose = it's okay (laugh)

Net = I am going to change its get dirty

Rose = ok ok go Today james make dinner for us ok james I want to you to make dinner

James = khab rose...

Net = OK you too do what you want I am going

Net going to his room and Locked the door and said

"You think I am changed james I am just do it for my sister when she go back you also back to the place you belong" net smirk

And changed his clothes

James making dinner

Rose = james hurry I am hungry I want to eat food cooked by you

James = khab..pls wait only 2 min

Rose = yeah hurry...

James = rose call P'net dinner is ready

Rose = okay..

Rose running to net room

Rose shouting on net door phi.....hurry dinner is ready how much time you take to change..smacking on the door

Net opened the door why are you shouting rose do you want to break the door net said

Rose = dinner is ready I can't wait more let's go...

Rose take net hand and going to dinning table

James net is there now serve please....rose said

Okay okay sit down first you both james said

Rose = what you made james

James = I made shrimp fried rice , fried chicken and in dessert chocolate brownie

Rose = wowwww james you made full menu

Everyone eat dinner

Rose = so yummy I never have this tasty food in my life

James = thanks khab...

Rose = p'net you like it

Net = yeah its very delicious

James = thanks phi....

Rose = james aaaa I feed you

James opened his mouth and eat

Everyone eat dinner happily

After 10 mins

Rose already went to his room to sleep

James washing dishes

Net hold james waist from behind
James turn his face and shocked see net james trying to scream but net cover his mouth from his hand

Net = shhhh....if you shout I will make you disappear from this world

James cried = p'net.... what do you want

Net = you forgot you are my sex slave you work is satisfy me

James = phi...but rose said you don' this again

Net = I am soft with you because of my sister when she go back you also go back to my prison and don't dare to tell this rose you know what I do if she know about it

James cried = please...phi..
don't do this again

Net = shut up and do your work and i am mine

James go back to wash dishes net lick & suck his neck from behind

James tears falling from his eyes continuously

After sometime

James in his room
In bed corner hug his legs and cried

Why God you make me.... I don't have family I don't have friends... no one loves me and now...... I am someone sex slave why I am so unlucky......I just want to die....I don't want to live anymore..... why everyone hates I bad? I never make people hurt I never disobey anyone order so why....

James eyes get red because of crying he crying whole night he don't know when he sleep

In morning 🌄

James! James! Wake up and open the door it's morning Rose shout

James wake up
And open the door

Oh james are you fine na..why your eyes are red are you cried last night rose said

James = i am not cried i just.. sleep late last night so my eyes.. are red

Ohh you scared me i thought P'net do something again rose said

James controlling his tears

Come james have a breakfast rose said

James = khab...

(Don't forget to vote and tell me in comments how is it🙃❤️)

Update soon 🔜

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