Part 21

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James crying and said phi...please come na....james just want you....they even c-change my name they named me U-Uea told me that whenever customer ask your name don't tell them your real name told them your new name that we named you...please come na phi....😭

James stand up and take his dress he see dress and said i don't want to wear that this is one has no cover for back but they will beat me again...

James stand up and take his dress he see dress and said i don't want to wear that this is one has no cover for back but they will beat me again

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James wear his dress but he is very uncomfortable in this dress he sat on his dressing table and doing makeup

Yes james learned everything in 6 months he learned how to wear clothes how to do makeup because when he came first he can't do anything so they beat him very bad then james get in fear he practicing in every night how to wear clothes and do makeup

James completed his makeup he see himself in mirror and said will proud on james when you will know that i learned how to wear and do makeup please come soon na phi....i miss you so much....i don't know why they forced me to do this things i don't like it and everyday is very painful for me...they called me bitch i don't know meaning of this..

James going down to club,james take drinks tray to the counter and going to every table to serve them

James serving drink to bunch of boys when one boy grabbed his arm and make him sit on his lap (this is not new for james everyday people do that to him and touching him everywhere & take him to room for sex)

Boy1= where are you going hottie?

Boy2 = i think this hottie want our company

James = Umm...please can i go sir...i have to serve drinks

Boy3 = what's hurry sweetheart you are worker from here that's your job to satisfy us

Boy1 = ofcourse!! By the way what's you name darling?

James = um...U-Uea

Boy2 = what's a sweet name..

Boy3 = oh guys why are you taking so much time i want to touch his body his body is so sexy

Boy1 = so why you are all waiting touch i am already starting

All boys start to touching james body they touching james chest,arms,waist,hips,thighs
James so uncomfortable but he can't do anything because he is not allowed to stop his customer whatever they doing to him just take it

They gave money to room counter take james to a room and all of them tear his clothes and start raping him

James didn't do anything he just crying in pain he don't know what everyone doing to him he just know that this is painful...

At Thailand🇹🇭

Net house...

Net sitting on couch reading newspaper

Rose came to him

Rose = phi...can you go with me to phayurain house they want to meet you,since james is lost you didn't talk with us

Net close his newspaper and go to james room and lock himself

Rose sigh and said james...where are you please come phi is not same phi that he is for you

Phayu rain came to house

Phayu = hello rose

Rain = hello rose

Rose smile and said hello P'phayu hello my bunny...

Phayu = is not agree to come right

Rose = yeah..p'phayu i wish james come and make phi happy like before

Rain = we trying our best rose but we didn't get any single information about james

Rose = don't worry bunny we will find him soon

Phayu = yeah we will find james soon

Rose = you know p'phayu when james came in this house this house became a home like before our parents died and since james is missing this home became a house again just a house

Phayu = i know rose whenever i see net with james he is very happy with him he is not that heartless net

Rose smiled they all talking suddenly james room door open

Net come down with suitcase

Rose = where are you going phi

Net = i am going to U.S.A

Phayu = why so suddenly

Net = you all will know soon

Net smiled and left

Rose,phayu,rain in shocked

They didn't see net smile from james missing

Rose = you see phi is smiled

Phayu = yeah i see

Rain = i think phi found james

Phayu = yeah i really think so

Rose = oh i am so happy

Everyone is getting very happy to that net found james

To be continued......

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