chapter 1: we're back!

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"These rules don't make any sense!"

Hoa was sitting at the Hermes table with the newest camper, Nico di Angelo, who had quite an obsession with this random card game. Mythomagic, he calls it.

"Yes they do," pouted Nico, "and I just won!"

Hoa Pham just rolled her bloodred eyes in response. Something about this boy just intrigues her, and seems he familiar. Maybe from the hotel. What was it called? The Hotel Lotus and Casino. Right.

Connor, the Hermes cabin's counselor, scooted closer to where the pair were sitting at the end of the table, right next to Hoa. He picked up his food and started to eat. "Having fun?" He asked with his mouth full.

"No." Hoa said, but she couldn't stop the corner of her lip from lifting upwards.

He slid closer to her, trying to look at the various figurines and cards that were displayed along the table.

"Why didn't you use Poseidon's ability here?" he asked her.

Hoa was confused. "Where?"

Connor pointed at the card right in front of her, then at the marching figurine. "Why didn't you use Poseidon's ability here?" he repeated.

Hoa slapped his arm, glowering at him. "Why don't I use my ability here?" Being the daughter of Deimos gives her a selection of terror-related abilities, which are perfect for traumatizing your counselor.

Unfortunately, she needed to have one more person there to do her magic. Fortunately, that was when Travis pulled up and inspected the layout of the Mythomagic game.

Connor's face paled from the threat for half a second before he remembered that he was in charge of her. "Extra chores," he offered with a smirk.

Hoa cursed under her breath.

Travis came over and sat next to Connor. "Well, what do we have here?"

Hoa pointed at Connor and smiled sweetly. "A fucking idiot?"

Nico, who was watching this all play out, scowled when Hoa said "fucking idiot".


This is how everything is every day, with them bickering every single time they even glance at each other. It was quite amusing to the counselors and anybody watching, though, so nobody tried to stop them.

Hoa spotted a familiar mop of black hair along with one of blond hair heading towards the Big House.

"Look," Hoa smiled, "Percy and Annie are back!"

Connor looked up at the Big House. "Sorry you two, Travis and I have to go," he said.

As he got up, he ruffled her luscious dark brown hair, messing up the bun she recently learned to tie. She scowled, picking up the scrunchie that fell on the floor.

"You know I hate it when you do that," she complained.

Travis smiled and ruffled her hair as well.

"That's why we do it."

"Fuck you!"

"Language!" Nico complained.

As Hoa watched them go, she finished her food. Since she was still hungry, she stole a bit of fettuccine from Nico.


"I just wanted to ask," she said, "if you wanted to go check up on Percy?"

He pulled himself together, still scowling about the lost food. "I still need him to tell me about Bianca," he complained.

Hoa smiled.

"Well, why don't we take a look?"


hi im madi, your loyal author ♥️

yo, so all these are from a few months ago since i lost my account and all of that fun stuff, so yeah. this is going to be from chapter 1-7, jsyk

its fun writing the book... so far.

i mostly just wanted to write about a unique demigod that doesnt have a cabin ... yet. i was also so bored because rick is taking a bit of time to publish his next book, and i think i drained wattpad of fanfictions that i want to read (please rick riordan, hurry up).

btw, this is taking place at the end of the titan's curse.

i just want to know your opinions on these--

how was the first chapter?

did i write little nico well?

what do you think of hoa? aggressive, much?

anyways, tysm for reading the first chapter!!

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