chapter 19: possessive

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Hoa didn't remember falling asleep, but she did remember waking up to Nico.

She squinted. By now, it was dark outside judging from the lack of light from under the curtain. "How long was I out?"

"I let you sleep while I handled it with Perseus." Nico looked at her coldly. "Now get up, we're doing a summoning tonight."

She was frustrated that he went from kind and caring in one second to a cold-hearted bitch in the next. "Why?"

"Apparently Bianca has been giving that boy our whereabouts. We're going to confirm that tonight."

Hoa slowly rose from the bed, walking over to the dresser and grabbing a new change of clothes. "'Kay. I'm changing, so either leave or turn around."

Nico slowly turned around, facing the other way. She kept her eyes trained on him carefully as she slid her pants off and replaced them with a new set of black jeans. She worked on her shirt as Nico said "Hurry up, I'm using the restroom."


Too late. The bathroom mirror revealed her form, clad in jeans and a bra. She instinctively covered her breasts and turned away, blushing furiously.

"Nico di fucking Angelo!" She gritted her teeth. "Why would you—"

"Sorry, sorry, I'll leave now."

He swiftly left the room, but Hoa caught the smallest smirk on his face. Groaning, she tugged on a random shirt before tugging Nico's black hoodie on top, which was too big for her.

She trudged downstairs, where everyone was discussing plans for the summoning.


As Hoa walked down rhe stairs, she heard voices.

"Are we sure about this?" Grover asked nervously. "I mean, Bianca didn't show up for Nico at all, what makes you think she will now?"

"She will," a determined Percy said, his eyebrows knit. "She sent me to look after you, so of course she'll turn up."

"What about Hoa?" Nico asked.

Cue the confused silence.

"...What about Hoa?" Annabeth asked.

"She looked after me just fine, why do I need you?"

"Because these people are the people who taught me everything," Hoa said, walking down the stairs. "And they can teach you too."

Nico huffed, not even sparing her a glance. "Like what? Teach me what?"

"Fighting, using your powers, anything else I'm missing?"

"Survival skills, archery," Annabeth offered. "Greek, Greek myths, how to kill certain kinda of monsters—"

"Thanks Annie." Hoa turned back to Nico. "See, they can help you. Just trust them this time."

He gave her an unwavering glare, but his eyes softened when his gaze traveled to her wrist. "...Do I have to?"

"At least trust Annabeth for things—Percy only has to teach you about your powers."

Nico looked down under her gaze. "Fine."

Hoa clapped. "Great! Now that's covered, what were we talking about before?"

"The ritual," Grover offered. "Is it safe?"

"I mean, we didn't die the last time, so you should be fine."

"...That's not exactly reassuring, Hoa."

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