chapter 12: night

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Hoa laid down in the grass, staring at the starry sky. A cool breeze swept her hair up and gave her the chills.

They stayed in the graveyard after summoning Theseus, both of them too tired to move to a new area.

She sat up and grabbed her red hoodie. She saw Nico out of the corner of her eye, who was passed out in exhaustion. Peeking deeper into the backpack and saw the black hoodie there.

She decided to pass it to him, folding it up and laying it besides his sleeping form. As she crept closer, his breaths became more shallow, but when she stepped back, they became more calmed.


Demigod life is always weird, who am I kidding.

She decided to take a walk, fully moving away from Nico and grabbing Fire and Lightning.

She paused. What if Nico wakes up and sees that I’m not there?

She decided to write him a little note.

hey, so im still alive, just need a little breather.

She walked off, looking at the graves. They shone eerily in the moonlight, and when her shadow walked over them, they stopped shining.

Her hands were glowing with a small red aura. What is wrong with me...

There was a fork in the road, leading either left or right. Down the right path there was a figure, so she took the right path.

That was stupid decision number one. Don't worry, there's more.

She came to an area that wasn't obviously a part of the graveyard. As she got closer, torches began to line the pathway to the person. Hoa saw that it was a tall woman standing in a one shoulder split-thigh dress, her ink black hair adorned with gold jewelry.

Stupid decision number two: she talked to a person she didn't know.


The new person turned around slowly. She was beautiful in a sinister way, heavy makeup on her face, accentuating her features and making her more noble. Her eyes were amber like a cat's, black slits expanding when she looked at Hoa.

"Hello, little one."

Stupid decision three: she didn't back out of the conversation.

"Hi... what are you doing at this hour?"

"Dear child, I could ask you the same question."

She flushed. "Uh..."

"Oh, no worries!" the woman said, widening her eyes in worry. "What's your name?"


"Hoa, isn't it? Hoa Pham." The woman said calmly, a golden apple appearing in her hand. She held it by the fingertips, looking away from Hoa as she inspected the fruit. "People are talking about you, dearest."

Her grip on Fire tightened. "Okay. Who are you and what do you want?"

The woman studied Hoa closely. "They say that you can descern entities quite easily based on appearance. Can you identify who I am?"

Hoa scanned the woman, looking at the dress, the gold jewelry. She then pointed to the golden apple; much like the one that started the Trojan War. "Eris."

Eris smiled as the apple disappeared. She clapped. "Well done, dearest. Now, do you have the slightest idea why I'm here?"

"If you are one of Kronos's bitches, you can leave."

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