chapter 22: departure

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"Wise Girl," Percy whispered.

"What?" she asked.

Morning light shone through the windows, a golden haze over the bed where Annabeth laid. Such a beautiful setting when Percy was about to tell her some not-so-beautiful news.

He explained everything to her: about Hoa's upcoming death, telling her that they were dating, and their new parental relationship with Hoa.

Annabeth blinked. "Wow. Damn."

"Such wise words from a Wise Girl," Percy teased.

"Wait, she can't die. Why?"

Percy frowned. "Her vision keeps telling her that she'll die, so of course something is about to happen."

"Are we sure? Because these dreams can sometimes be very deceptive and such, and could be very vague—"

"The dream was first person. In the dream, she spoke, saved a life, and died. Not that I want her to, but she's probably dying."

He didn't mean to sound so pessimistic, but Annabeth narrowed her teary eyes at him. "Recently, I've had a dream where I saw Hoa running around a field of white chrysanthemums with Nico, and they looked pretty happy. S—"

"Back up. I don't know what that is, nor how to say it."

She rolled her eyes. "Flowers similar to dahlias. They represent death—"

"Very encouraging."

"Will you shut up?"


"They represent death, but can also represent support and encouragement. Whether it's option one or two, we don't know, but let's hope it's two."

He didn't realize that he was crying until Annabeth wiped a tear from his cheek, also shedding tears. Her voice choked as she spoke. "Let's have faith in our strong little girl, okay?"

He hiccupped. "O-okay."

They hugged and cried for another few more minutes before Annabeth pulled back. "We should get ready before they come."

Percy nodded, extending a hand out to her. "Well, then. Let's get going, Wise Girl."

She slapped his arm. "Stop it, Seaweed Brain."

He grinned. "Nope," he said, helping her up. He planted a sloppy kiss on Annabeth's cheek, making her shriek.



The next morning, Percy's group walked down to the cattle guard and said their goodbyes.

"Nico, you could come with us," Percy blurted.

Nico shook his head. Hoa looked at him carefully; everyone was sleep deprived, but he looked sleep starved. His eyes were red and his face was chalky. He was wrapped in a black robe that must've belonged to Geryon because it was three sizes too big even for a grown man.

"I need time to think." His eyes didn't meet Percy's, letting Hoa know he was still angry. The fact that Bianca had come out of the Underworld for Percy and not for him didn't seem to sit well with Nico.

"Nico," Annabeth tried. "Bianca just wants you to be okay."

She put her hand on his shoulder, but he tensed, then pulled away and trudged up the road toward the ranch house. Maybe it was her imagination, but the morning mist seemed to cling to him as he walked.

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