chapter 7: horme

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When she woke up, she found herself still propped up against Nico's head. As she blinked awake, his head propped up as his tired eyes saw that she was awake.

"Hi?" she tried.

"Hey," he murmured.

She studied him. He had gotten paler, his shaggy hair reaching his shoulders. Dark circles under his eyes show that he hadn't been taking care of himself. "Nico," she said, "Did you go to sleep?"


"Well, you'd better fucking sleep before I knock you and make you."

"Yes ma'am."

As Nico slumped his head against her shoulder, she tried to plan what they would do next. First, they needed to find Nico a weapon. She didn't want to have Nico be defenseless forever. They also needed a way to navigate the maze, which she decided would come later.

She rested her head against Nico's. She needed more sleep, but she didn't want to leave him defenseless. She felt exhausted.

Suddenly, she jolted up with energy. Adrenaline rushed though she was about to nod off seconds ago.

What the...

She felt energetic, lively, and ready to fight. Pushing Nico off her, Hoa drew her dagger, waiting for something to approach.

A young woman walked out the shadows. Her bouncy red hair and white bodysuit made her look ready for battle. Her dark brown eyes shone with mischief and two small daggers rested in either hand.

Hoa stood in a fighting position. "Who are you?" she asked.

She tilted her head to the side. A playful smile appeared on her lips as she spoke. "Well, take a guess. Who do you think I am?"

She studied her before shrugging. "I dunno."

The stranger frowned, then smiled again. "Well, nobody ever knows me."

Hoa narrowed her eyes. "Clear as ever."

The woman flipped her daggers in her hands. "I am Horme."


"Horme," she repeated. "Spirit of effort, energetic activity, and eagerness."

"So you're the one who woke me back up?"

"That is correct, Hoa Pham."

She frowned, realizing that she hadn't told Horme her name yet. "Ok... no offense, but what are you doing here?"

Horme tilted her head, a look of disappointment appearing on her face. "Right to the point, darling?"


She raised her eyebrow. "Such a wonderful pair, the two of you. Daughter of terror, son of death. Has a nice ring to it, and plus," she gestured towards Nico's head, which was now laying on her leg, "There's that to take into account."

Hoa narrowed her eyes and lifted her dagger. "You know, I don't really appreciate it when spirits come up to harass me about my love life."

Horme smiled. "I came to give you advice," she said. "Go to the Underworld. Find the boy a weapon and a guide."

"A spirit never walks up to someone and gives advice."

Horme rolled her eyes. "Details. And... Oh! A certain someone may have bribed me to help you." Horme stepped into the shadows, sending her a wink as she dissolved.

Hoa didn't like this. Multiple gods have taken pity on her, giving her free advice and gifts. This was too easy for just the task of protecting Nico.

She sat down again, adjusting Nico's head so that it was in the crook of her neck. Wrapping her arm around him, she breathed in his scent, running her fingers through his hair.

She stayed like that for an hour or so, letting Nico get the energy that he needed before they headed off again. When Nico shifted, she pulled him closer, letting him have her warmth.

He stirred, being relaxed before tensing up. "Wha–"

"Shh," she said. "You need sleep."

"Ugh." She felt Nico trying and failing to get up. "I'm not tired."

She ruffles his hair. "Then get ready, we're going to have to go."


"The Underworld," she said. "It's about time we entered your father's domain."


hi im madi, your loyal author ♥️

ACTUALLY IMPORTANT NOTE: these are the only chapters that i have saved onto my phone, so from now on, im writing everything on my own here :)

hoa and nico are so fucking cute. i know im speeding things up a bit, but ykw idc.

also, horme? shes not very well known, and the sites i used for research all labeled her as a 'spirit,' but never a goddess, so i just didn't put that there.

im worried about thia book being too fast paced. please help.

also, school has started! my upload schedule is gonna be dogshit, but i dont care. its fine. 👍

what are your opinions on these--

how was the chapter?

opinions on horme?

nico and hoa? so cute 🥺

also, what are some questions of your own?

anyways, tysm for reading this crappy book!

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