chapter 10: i love food-wait, my food!

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She stared at Nico as they walked. He refused to look her in the eyes, always staring at either the floor or Minos. She wasn't used to this new shady Nico, but she would protect him either way.

Minos came to a stop after twenty minutes or so. He turned with that cruel light in his eyes. "You heroes need your rest, so take it. You have five hours."

He disappeared into blue light, leaving the demigods alone.

Hoa turned to Nico. "That guy is sus as hell."

Nico looked at her questioningly. "What's wrong with him? Don't use the term 'hell' about him. Also, what does sus mean?"

She flushed. "Uh... Sus is a term for suspicious, and if you don't know what's wrong with him, well... He's King Minos, Nico. He is one of the Big Bad's in Greek Myths. I don't know how you trust him."

She watched as he sighed and stood, brushing off dust from his new aviator jacket. He drew his new sword, the midnight black blade sending a dark aura into the room. "Do you want to spar? I need to learn something on how to use this."

Hoa frowned, staring at the sword. "He does have a point; we're all human—or at least some part human. We need rest."

Hoa looked into his chocolatey brown orbs, and he stared right back. His face softened as he leaned closer, but stopped himself. Her heart beat as he drew his body closer, slowly stalking towards her. 

She raised a eyebrow, confused. "Nico? You good?"

He seemed to snap back into reality, looking away from her and marching to the other corner of the room. He sat down, arms holding his knees to his chest as he stayed there, unmoving. 

The daughter of Deimos looked at him questioningly. Nico started taking bigger breaths, and she realized that he fell asleep.

Sighing, Hoa slowly walked over. She rummaged through her bag and found two hoodies, one red and the other black. She took the red one and put it over herself, rolling the other up. She grunted as she gently readjusted Nico, one hand around his back and the other around his legs. His arms uncurled around him as she pushed them away, moving them to his side as she grabbed his ankles and moved them so they were straight out. The small hoodie was placed under his head, and voilà.

Her face was covered in red as she curled up right next to him, back to back. Their breaths filled the room as she dozed off, and strangely, she felt warmer right next to the cold body of Death Boy.


When the daughter of Deimos woke, Nico was already up, rummaging through the bag. He gave her a curt nod as she walked up to him, rubbing her eyes. In the backpack she saw some small snacks, most of which she recognized, based on her trying to study modern-day foods. She picked put a large bag of barbeque chips and teared it open, not being civil in the way she devoured all of them. 

Nico eyed her cautiously as he glanced at the bag label. Noticing this, Hoa asked, "Want some?"

He looked cautious and curious at the same time, hesitantly reaching a hand out to grab from the bag. She blushed as she moved a bit closer, allowing further access to the food. He took one and cautiously nibbled on it, eyes slowly widening. "This is good."

She smiled. "Wait 'till I take you to all the fast food chains."

"Fast food?"

"You'll see. Maybe we can stop by McDonald's along the way to wherever we're going."


"Patience, Nico. Patience."

They ate in comfortable silence as Hoa decided to make a move, resting a head on Nico's shoulder. He stilled, but didn't push her away like she expected him to. She buried her head into the crook of his neck while he was frozen, breathing in and out. He began to relax, continuing to eat the chips and handing her some that she ate. She nestled on further, sighing as she gave up her chips, since she was full. He wrapped an arm around her, hooking it under her shoulder as they sat there.

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