chapter 25: leaving 2.0

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At dusk, Nico walked to the back of the house where they previously finished their summons. "Minos," he whispered. "Show yourself."

Blue light swirled, forming to become the figure of the ghost king. "Nico," he sighed, "If you're here to tell me how much you love Hoa again, I'd rather not."

Nico's shoulders slumped. "Well, tell me about your plan. The one you discussed earlier to save Hoa."

Immediately, Minos' eyes lit up. "Oh, yes! We shall capture Daedalus's soul to be able to trade their souls for when the time comes."

Nico frowned. "I don't understand. Why can't we just stay at the ranch? It's much safer."

Minos scoffed. "Oh, please. You should know this—death is inevitable. Her death has been prophesized—therefore she must die. However, if we capture Daedalus, we can use his soul for the trade. You will also help me achieve vengeance, so it's a win-win scenario."

Nico sighed, turning away. He really did consider leaving the ranch, it's just a matter of convincing himself to actually do it. "Just let me think on this a little more. I will notify you if we leave." He glanced back at Minos. "You are dismissed."

That talk instilled that he would leave into his mind; something he already knew. It was just a matter of getting Hoa on board without letting her know that it was Minos' idea.


"Please, Hoa. I know I'm leaving, so it's just a matter of whether or not you want to go."

Hoa sighed. "Why though? Is it because of that stupid ghost king?"

Nico tackled her onto the bed, hugging her tightly. He buried his head into her neck as he whined. "Please?"

Hoa tried to shove him off but to no avail. That boy could be a koala when he wanted to. "You're going to have to give me a few good reasons."

"What are we supposed to do? Sit here while the war is going on? Hoa, we can't just wait for everyone to die—even if I wasn't too close to them.'


"This isn't about demigods and monsters—this is about humanity. Please Hoa, I don't want to sit out anymore."

Hoa froze at those words. He cared?

Nico took this opportunity to climb over her form, propping his form on top and leaning his face inches from her's. "Please, Hoa."

Hoa let out a shaky breath, staring at his eyes. For a moment, she was lost in them, the dark orbs somehow having this strange light to them that only attracted her more.

Nico stared right back, leaning closer and closer. One more inch until they ki—

Until he pulled away and coughed. "I-I take your silence as a yes?"

She hesitated, still affected by what happened the moment before. "But—"

He grabbed under her arms, pulling her back up to a sitting position and making her straddle his lap.

Now he's just manhandling me.

He hugged her like she was a teddy bear. "Hoa," he said. "This could be my one chance to finally be included. People will judge me because I'm a son of Hades, but if I come back to fight with them, then they might see me as someone they can approach."

Hoa hesitated, but she knew that Nico could see that her wall was falling down. "Nico—"

He cupped her face, those beautiful chocolate orbs giving her puppy eyes. "Please."

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