chapter 13: falling

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Hoa woke up in the same red hoodie she was in last night. She was hugging something cold yet warm—an aviator jacket. And inside the aviator jacket—


Did I just fall asleep cuddling the son of Hades?

Cool arms were wrapped around her as well, one rubbing her back like that day in the Labyrinth. They pressed her face to Nico's shirt, somehow keeping her warm throughout the night. He smelled like rain, his muscles hard against her face.

Her eyes began to close. I could spend forever like this...

She snapped out of it when Nico said, "Hoa, it's the morning. You should get up."

"No..." she muttered.

He chuckled at her morning attitude. "Hoa, we have to get moving. Come on, get up. We can get food after this."

She cracked an eye open. "Food?"

Nico's face was inches above her's, the space so little she could feel his breath. Hoa stared into his chocolatey brown orbs, at his pale skin, his plump lips—

Fucking hell, Hoa! Stop it!

He ruffled her hair affectionately. "Yeah, food. But we're not gonna get any if you don't get up."

Hoa grumbled. "But I don't wanna get up..."

"What, you want me to carry you?" he joked.

She considered it. "Sure."

"Ah, no. I am nowhere near strong enough for that."

Nico let his arms drop from around her, making Hoa realize the position they were in. She was sitting sideways in his lap, her legs spread out in front of her. Her head rested to the side as his left leg helped her sit up and his right rested atop hers.

Since when was this boy so bold?

Kinda hot...

Awkwardly, she untangled herself from Nico, blushing all the way. She sat right next to him as he got up with ease, offering her a hand. "Need help, Little Daisy?"

Memories flashed in her head as he called her that. Little Daisy.

She remembered picking daisies at Camp Half-Blood with Annabeth and Percy. The Golden Fleece made the landscape much more beautiful, giving dryads more fruits and hills more flowers.

She twirled a flower with her fingers. Tôi yêu hoa, she said, smiling to herself. Chúng rất đẹp—đặc biệt là hoa cúc.

Annabeth frowned. "Sorry, can you repeat? In English please."

Hoa's eyes widened. "Sorry! Uh, I love flowers, especially daisies."

Percy looked at her softly, his sea green eyes twinkling in the light. "Hoa, seriously, it's fine. No need to apologize for using your native language."

Past Hoa's smile faltered. "But the other kids make fun for for it..."

The older demigods' faces hardened. They glanced at each other, having a silent conversation. Finally, Percy asked, "Who?"

She sniffled. "The meanies from that cabin with all the land mines—especially the girl. They all follow the girl."

Percy's fist clenched as he thought about this, his face growing redder by the second. Annabeth gripped his shoulder, making him look to her questioningly. She shook her head at him, and he stopped, smiling nervously.

Percabeth! her mind screamed.

Annie turned to her. "We'll fix that," she said reassuringly. She extended a hand towards her, and Percy did the same.

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