chapter 18: i'm sorry

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Nico's hand was ice cold, firm and refusing to let go.

"Nico," she asked, "What's going on."

He looked at her with a stony expression. "Bloodlust, huh?"


"Forget it. You should've killed him."

Her eyes teared up. "Look, I don't know why you're being so mean to me all of a sudden, but—"

His hand clenched around her wrist, making her yelp and try to tug herself out of his grasp. "Nico," she gasped. "You're hurting me."

Nico's face remained cold and unconcerned, but his eyes softened a bit. He lessened the pressure, leading her to their room together and sitting Hoa down on the bed. Once he did, he let go of her wrist and frowned.

A bruise laid out where Nico had held her, the contusion already turning a bit purple. He quickly grabbed essentials from the nightstand drawer and found first aid supplies. He grabbed her arm gently this time, raised the bruised area and finding bandages to wrap around her wrist.

The son of Hades stood abruptly. "Wait here."

He exited the room and came back with an ice pack, which he placed on top of the covered area. After that, he seemed to grow more and more upset.

"That son of a—ugh!" Nico growled, trying to contain his rage. "He... hurt you, and—"

"Nico," Hoa said calmly, "I hurt him first. He was deliberately trying not to slash at me, yet I was the first to attack him."

His poker face turned towards her, a flicker of anger in her eyes. "So you're defending him?"

She stood. "I'm not defending him, I'm saying that I'm partially to blame for causing all of this!"

"Isn't that the same thing?" Nico asked.

She winced at the truth of his words. "Well—"

"Don't test me."


"Don't," he took a step forward, making her crawl backwards on the bed, "test," she moved farther back, "me."

She growled right back at him, but by that time Hoa was forced her back to the headboard, Nico looming over her on all fours. "I—"

"Hoa." A dark aura began to surround Nico as he stared at her, daring her to challenge him. Her finger trembled as she watched Nico get up on his two knees, raising his left hand. She flinched when the hand came down near her face.

Hoa closed her eyes, bracing herself for the pain that would come. A single tear slipped out of her eye as she sat on the bed, waiting.

She heard a choking noise—a sound of grief. Confused, she opened her eyes to find tears leaking out of Nico's eyes as the hand hovered inches away from her face. Instead of hitting her, three slaps sounded onto the wood next to her. The bed shook as he unleashed his rage onto anything but her—on pillows, on the headboard, and finally collapsing onto the bed next to her.

Tears cascaded down his eyes, leaving wet streaks down his pale face. He let out a small cry, turning back to Hoa. "Sorry," he muttered, pushing past her and into the bathroom.

Hoa let out a sigh of relief as she slumped down the wall, wiping her stray tear. She curled into the fetal position, hugging her knees and laying against the headboard.

She sat there for a while, zoning out and staring at the bandage on her wrist. What do I do?

Her thoughts shifted to Nico. He hurt her, yet she still cares about him. Why? Hoa's wrist was bruised because of him, and he nearly slapped her.

The toilet flushed, signaling that Nico was almost done. She panicked, pushing herself more into the corner. What do I do, what do I do, what do I do?

She heard the sink running, making her anxiety grow. Oh, no...

Hoa ran over to the bed, sitting there and hugging a pillow tightly, like that would make her worries go away.

The door to the bathroom opened, revealing Death Boy. He looked disheveled and messy, his hair ruffled all over the place and his face wet.

He sat on the other side of the bed, understanding that she might need a bit of space. She could feel his eyes watching her as she clutched the cushion tightly.

Nico inched closer to her, making her whimper in fear.

Oh no, no... What if he hurts me? What if—

Her thoughts stopped as he grabbed the blanket and covered her. He gently pushed her over and tucked her in, grabbing a different cushion and placing that under her head.

"I'm sorry," he said. He sounded so apologetic and sad, his voice filled with grief. "I didn't mean to scare you."

She shivered, prompting Nico try to readjust her blanket, but he froze. He looked back at the shaking Hoa, doubt flickering across his features.

It was then when Hoa's fear disappeared, seeing her crush refrain from hugging her. After a moment's hesitation, she adjusted the blanket and stretched her arms out in front of him for a hug, holding back tears.

Nico blinked, surprised, but gently held her as if she was made of china. He melted in her touch, the tears he didn't let fall now falling. He started to pull away, wiping the tears that appeared on his pale face. Hands gently cupped her face, telling her, "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," over and over again.

He grabbed her legs and stretched them out, getting her out of the fetal position.

"I'll go get you a new ice pack and some water," he said.

She nodded shyly as left the room, looking back at her one more time before he closed the door.


hi im madi, your loyal author ♥️

i had to make a sad bit because there arent enough of them here :/

also, this chapter was kinda filler, so sorry, :(

also, muse recently came out! its a jax x reader (from tadc), go check it out!


how was the chapter?

also, what are some questions of your own?

anyways, tysm for reading this crappy book! 😃

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