chapter 9: hades

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"Hold up. You told a god to go away and he did?"

"Yeah," Hoa said. "All the gods are taking sympathy on me for some reason, and its making me scared as shit."

"Did you at least get the wood?"

She instantly became happier. "Hell yeah, I got wood!"

She pushed a bundle of sticks between them and began to set stones around them. After that, she grabbed an arrow and began twirling it around to try and start a fire. After a while, a spark appeared, leading Hoa to quickly feed the flame and breath into it, lending it the oxygen it needed to grow.

Hoa stepped back and admired her handiwork. The fire blazed, providing the two of them warmth as Nico took her backpack and put his head on top, using it as a pillow. She stared at his position for a second before looking away trying to pretend she never did.

"You got to sleep," she told Nico. "I'll take first watch."

"You always take first watch," he muttered.

"Well, you're always too tired to take first watch."

"What if I'm not tired?"

"You still don't know how to fight."

"Teach me how to fight."

"You need sleep, Neeks."

"Fine, if you won't teach me how to fight, then I'll see what I can do about that." Death Boy got up and began to unsheathe his sword, but halfway through pulling it out, he stopped. His gaze locked on something behind her.

When she heard the flapping of wings she whirled around and took out Lightning, but the figures had already landed. The Furies were here.

Huge leathery wings were spread, and if you looked at the bodies holding the wings, you saw a terrifying sight. Their hands featured sharp claws that were dirty as shit, and their mouths was full of huge, yellow fangs that were frankly just disgusting.

She winced when she looked at the rotten fangs, averting her gaze to their wings instead. "Damn, those teeth could use some brushing."

The one in the middle stepped forward towards Nico. "Lord Hades wishes to see you.

He scowled. "For what? Why does he want anything to do with him?"

"Yeah, and what am I going to do here?"

"Silence," the Fury hissed. "Nico di Angelo will come with us and you will stay here with a supervisor."

Hoa didn't like the way she said "supervisor."

"What if I kill them and run—"

"Nonsense," she shrieked. She grabbed Nico's throat with one hand full of claws. "Stay here or he dies."

Percy's voice came into her head. Rule number one of escaping. NEVER reveal your plans to the enemy.

Well, shit.

"You wouldn't kill a son of Hades—"

"That is yet to be determined," she sneered. "Whether or not he lives depends on you, Hoa Pham." The Kindly One dug her finger into his skin, enough to make him bleed. When his eyes widened, he tried to struggle, in which she gripped him tighter, surely leaving bruises.

"Wait!" Hoa said, tears filling her eyes. "Okay, I'll wait here. Which one?"

"Excuse me?"

"Which Fury am I staying with?"

She thought about it before turning to the Fury to her left. "Megaera, stay with her. And whatever you do, keep her here."

"Okay." She said, watching helplessly as Alecto grabbed Nico's shoulders and flew up and away.

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